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N. A. Gasparyan
N. A. Gasparyan
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute


Technical and environmental safety of mining industry
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Dust control at coal enterprises of the North

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In Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute series of measures aimed at protection of environment from harmful impact of technological processes during open-cast mining and underground operation of coal, which is the most popular power resource for today are carried out. In future coal will be one of the main resource, as its supply may satisfy the needs of all branches of industry for a long period of time. The problem of stable maintenance with a heat and electric energy of the north remote territories, settlements, objects of ability to live of the person is stubborn in a modern level of development of a fuel and energy complex of Russia. Application of new technologies on use of local renewed energy sources in small energetic will allow to approach essentially manufacture of energy to the consumer and to involve in manufacture of heat and an electricity alternative kinds of fuel.

How to cite: Shuvalov Y.V., Nikulin A.N., Gasparyan N.A., Smirnov Y.D. Dust control at coal enterprises of the North // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 180. p. 58-64.
Safety in mining industry
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New technologies to ensure safety in mining in Russia

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Mining is closely connected with the impact of mankind on the environment for the purpose of supply with primary resources. When ultimate production of mineral resources is more than 6,5 billion tonns, total losses comprise 2,5 billion tonns: discharge of rupugnant substances into the air is about 50 million tonns, effluents discharge is 2 billion m3 and more than 8 billion tonns solid wastes are stored on the surface. By scientific school of SPMI series of measures aimed at protectoin of environment from harmful impact of technological processes during open-cast mining and underground operation of coal, which is the most popular power resource for today is carried out. In future coal will be one of the main resources, as it’s supply may satisfy the needs of all branches of industry for a long period.

How to cite: Litvinenko V.S., Shuvalov Y.V., Nikulin A.N., Gasparyan N.A., Smirnov Y.D., Kamenskiy A.A. New technologies to ensure safety in mining in Russia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2007. Vol. 172. p. 178-185.
Mining. Ecology
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Reduction of dust emission at quarries using phase transitions of moisture

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One of the main sources of hazardous air pollution on the territories of mining and metallurgical and enrichment complexes and adjacent territories are dust-forming surfaces of dumps. As a result of wind erosion, fine fractions, which have a predominant impact on respiratory organs, are easily transported from the surface to long distances. The article proposes a method that reduces dust and dust transfer of fine materials, increases the biological productivity of dumps and their rapid reclamation.

How to cite: Shuvalov Y.V., Gasparyan N.A. Reduction of dust emission at quarries using phase transitions of moisture // Journal of Mining Institute. 2007. Vol. № 1 170. p. 135-138.
Mining. Ecology
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Use of bioactive substances at recultivation of bulk dumps and technogenic formations

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One of the main sources of hazardous air pollution in the territories of mining, metallurgical and enrichment complexes and adjacent areas are dusty surfaces of bulk dumps. As a result of wind erosion fine-dispersed fractions are the most dangerous from the point of view of impact on respiratory organs, easily carried away from the surface for long distances. The method providing reduction of dust formation and dust transfer of fine-dispersed materials, increase of bioproductivity of bulk dumps and quick reclamation is offered. The results of tests of the protective coating for resistance to air flow and the results of bioproductivity of the treated surfaces of dumps are presented.

How to cite: Gasparyan N.A. Use of bioactive substances at recultivation of bulk dumps and technogenic formations // Journal of Mining Institute. 2006. Vol. № 2 167. p. 86-88.
Nature conservation technologies, processing and reproduction of forest resources
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Use of carbon-containing waste from timber processing enterprises in the Leningrad region to generate thermal energy

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The Leningrad Region has very insignificant reserves of the main types of fuel and energy resources, represented mainly by wood, peat, oil shale and uranium, the development of deposits of which is not planned even in the long term for environmental reasons. However, the consistent introduction of new technologies for processing fuel and energy resources, the involvement of local resources in the fuel and energy balance, primarily wood, peat and shale fuels, and the creation on this basis of processing and energy-producing complexes of local type can ensure energy security and change both the economic and demographic situation in the Leningrad region.

How to cite: Shuvalov Y.V., Nifontov Y.A., Nifontova T.I., Nikulin A.N., Gasparyan N.A. Use of carbon-containing waste from timber processing enterprises in the Leningrad region to generate thermal energy // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 262-264.
Development of mineral deposits
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Protection against wind erosion and improvement of bioproductivity of bulk dumps and reclaimed areas

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One of the main sources of hazardous air pollution of the territories of mining, metallurgical and enrichment complexes and adjacent areas is the dusty surfaces of bulk dumps. As a result of wind erosion fine fractions, the most dangerous in terms of respiratory hazards, are easily carried away from the surface over long distances. A method ensuring a decrease in dust formation and dust transfer of fine materials, an increase in the bioproductivity of bulk dumps and fast reclamation is proposed. The results of tests of the protective coating for resistance to air flow and the results of bioproductivity of the treated surfaces of the dumps are given.

How to cite: Ilchenkova S.A., Gaspariyan N.A. Protection against wind erosion and improvement of bioproductivity of bulk dumps and reclaimed areas // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 43-46.