Regularities abrasion steel 110G13L with a significant load on the sample and impact. Found that increasing the load to the point where the voltage on the surface of the sample achieved a true rupture stress of the material, does not increase the wear resistance of steel. Shown that the impact and, therefore, have no hardening significant influence on the wear rate of steel in its work on the solids (granite, gabbro). In the case of soft rocks (marble) concomitant impact effect is exceeds durability of the material. Designed conclusion on whether the elements are made of mining and processing equipment from steel 110G13L depending on the hardness of the destroyed rock.
Taking a grinding of coal ball mill (type: BTM 400/800) operating without rocks as an example it is shown that a bombardment of the armour by grinding bodies made of steel 110G13L directly is capable to raise its hardness from 200 to 320HB at the depth of the cold-hardened layer up to 6,7 mm that will approximately 2 times increase its firmness to an abrasion. The time needed for the realization of an effective bombardment is 11 minutes, the period between strengthening cold – work hardenings is 25 days.
For calculations of designs accumulating, running (dampering) bunkers design procedures of the elementary forms the vertical cylinder or even slot-hole capacity with vertical parallel walls are used and processes of movement of a material are not considered in any way at release. The method of calculation for the combined form of the bunker in view of physicomechanical properties of a material of loading and walls of the bunker (a corner of a natural slope, bulk weight, factors of friction between particles of a material and particles about walls of the bunker is offered at rest and movement of a material) on the basis of use of model of the discrete environment in the form of regular stacking spheres.
Погрешности изготовления деталей и сборки узлов: отклонения от соосности цилиндрических и конических поверхностей, отклонения от перпендикулярности торцев, произвольное, случайное распределение зазора в сопряжении и связанное с ним смещение детали и другие подобные, - характеризуются не только величиной, но и направлением.
Изучение напряженно-деформированного состояния формовочной смеси при уплотнении является базой для разработки инженерных методов расчета рациональных технологических параметров процесса формовки, оптимизации параметров формовочных машин и оснастки, повышения качества отливок ...
Ручные сверлильные машины типа ИП I 0 II получили большое распространение при проведении монтажных и ремонтных работ. Основными достоинствами их являются малые габаритные размеры, удобство транспортирования энергии, высокие безопасность, надежность и долговечность ...