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I. V. Apukhtina
I. V. Apukhtina
Postgraduate student
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute
Postgraduate student
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute



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Application of indicator kriging in computer modeling of ferruginous quartzite occurrences (on the example of Yakovlevskoye deposit)

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Interpolation of iron grades of ores of the Yakovlevskoye deposit using MultipleIndicator Kriging method allowed taking into consideration mixed accumulations, which had been identified using statistical analysis of iron grade distributions of iron-rich ores. Using Indicator Kriging, there was carried out probabilistic logging of different ore types (paint, blueing) and barren rocks within the bounds of the first-priority development zones of the Yakovlevskoye deposit. That allowed taking into consideration density values of different ore types by reserve estimation.

How to cite: Apukhtina I.V. Application of indicator kriging in computer modeling of ferruginous quartzite occurrences (on the example of Yakovlevskoye deposit) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 182. p. 7-10.
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Features of geometrization of ore bodies with the use of computer technologies (on the example of Yakovlevskoe deposit)

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Modern computer technologies, widely used nowadays in deposit modeling and reserves estimation, require a deep understanding of their algorithmic basis for comparison with traditional methods of reserves estimation. In this paper we attempted to optimize the computer methodology of geometrization of ore bodies at the Yakovlevskoye deposit to use the results of exploration works of various stages.

How to cite: Apukhtina I.V. Features of geometrization of ore bodies with the use of computer technologies (on the example of Yakovlevskoe deposit) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2007. Vol. № 1 170. p. 11-14.
Problems of developing the Yakovlevskoye field
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Анализ результатов компьютерного моделирования богатых руд Яковлевского месторождения

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Яковлевское месторождение является типичным для КМА месторождением богатых руд. Компьютерное моделирование месторождения позволило наиболее полно отразить существующие в природе неоднородности в строении рудных тел. Моделирование осуществлялось с использованием программного комплекса Micromine. Сформулированы рекомендации по использованию компьютерных технологий при проведении опережающей эксплуатационной разведки.

How to cite: Kozlov A.V., Apukhtina I.V. // Journal of Mining Institute. 2006. Vol. № 3 168. p. 104-114.
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Regularities of spatial location of rich iron ores of Yakovlevskoye deposit

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The article analyzes spatial patterns of distribution of rich iron ores of Yakovlevskoye deposit using MICROMINE software package, usually used for making geological 3D-models of ore deposits and estimation of their reserves.

How to cite: Apukhtina I.V. Regularities of spatial location of rich iron ores of Yakovlevskoye deposit // Journal of Mining Institute. 2006. Vol. № 2 167. p. 7-9.
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Studying the spatial distribution patterns of ore mineralization of the Aganozero-Burakovskaya intrusion using quantitative interpretation in a three-dimensional environment

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The aim of the presented work is to analyze the spatial patterns of distribution of geochemical halos of platinoids and chromium using the Micromine software system, which is usually used for compiling spatial geological models of deposits and calculating reserves. The spatial separation of the geochemical halos of chromium and platinum was established, the first of which is practically continuous within the Aganozersky block of the Burakovsky massif and is limited from below by the main chromite horizon, and the second is spatially located directly above the chromium halo and breaks up into a number of fragments. In the first approximation, the main halo of elevated platinum contents is located directly above the supply channel of the Aganozero intrusion, assumed on the basis of geophysical studies.

How to cite: Apukhtina I.V. Studying the spatial distribution patterns of ore mineralization of the Aganozero-Burakovskaya intrusion using quantitative interpretation in a three-dimensional environment // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 7-9.
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Optimization of open-pit mining of the Khoilinskoe barite deposit based on computer modeling

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Volumetric model of the ore body of Khoilinskoe barite deposit was built using Micromine software, which was used as a basis for computer modeling of options for open-pit mining of the deposit. Taking into account the design parameters of the existing open pit (the height of the overburden 5 m, the height of the repayment berm 15 m, the slope of the repayment berm 50°) its volume model was built, on the basis of which the volumes of extracted rock mass, ore were estimated and the average stripping ratio was calculated (19.7). A similar model was built for the prospective variant of the open pit, for which, taking into account new data on physical and mechanical properties of rocks, it became possible to increase the slope of the pit walls to 60° and the height of the repayment benches to 30 m. Calculated by the new model overburden ratio was 14.7, which will reduce the total volume of overburden by 1493 thousand m 3 .

How to cite: Apukhtina I.V. Optimization of open-pit mining of the Khoilinskoe barite deposit based on computer modeling // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. № 1 155. p. 7-10.