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B. G. Tarasov
B. G. Tarasov
Professor, Ph.D., Dr.Sci., Professor
Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
Professor, Ph.D., Dr.Sci., Professor
Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)


Geotechnology for development of solid mining fields
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On cosmic rotation-pulsatory cycles of the earth and the natural-technogeneous status of objects in underground space under conditions of geodynamic instability and solar depression in 1982-2065

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The Article contains the suggestions to assign the status of natural-technical systems functionating in the global rotation-pulsatory regime, to the objects of underground space, i,e, underground structures of water-supply system, electric power system, gas and  heat-supply systems, to the metro structures, underground spaces of coal mines and ore mines and other technological complexes, and to assign the natural-technogeneous status to geodynamic phenomena occurring at these objects, i.e. breakage of pipelines with explosions and burning oydrocarbons, gushing of boiling water and rocks, deformation of tunnel walls and the metro stations causing leakage, etc., which takes account of a temporary natural component in dynamics of geospheres being attributed to vibratory rotation-pulsatory regimes of the Earth  by contrast to the acting status of these events as technogeneous phenomena, with no taking account of dynamics of the planet in variations of cosmic weather.

How to cite: Tarasov B.G., Melnikov E.K., Bugaenko L.V. On cosmic rotation-pulsatory cycles of the earth and the natural-technogeneous status of objects in underground space under conditions of geodynamic instability and solar depression in 1982-2065 // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 199. p. 35.
Innovation in designing of mining plants
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New technologies for analysis and revision of risks in the planetary-cosmic genesis in designing оf mining operations

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For the first time in practice of providing the safety in mining work consideration is given to the method of due account of the dynamics factors of rock masses of the cosmic genesis. The values of coefficient of rock mass dynamics in the 24-hours, monthly, annual, 11-year and 70- year cycles of geodynamic activity are  given.

How to cite: Shabarov A.N., Tarasov B.G., Mulev S.N., Bugalenko L.N. New technologies for analysis and revision of risks in the planetary-cosmic genesis in designing оf mining operations // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 198. p. 114.
Problems in geodynamic and ecological safety in the exploration of fields of oil and das, their storage and transporta
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Preconditions for prediction of technogenic seismic activity by cycles of objects of the solar system

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The paper contains the statistical rows of rockbursts, sudden outbursts of methane at coal mines and ore mines in Russia for the period from 1954 to 2007, as well as the reflection in them of the eleven-year cycles of the Sun activity. Some results are presented of computer modeling of activation periods of outburst-hazardous state of rock mass at coal mines of the Kuzbass basin. Recommendations are given.

How to cite: Tarasov B.G., Olovianny A.G., Bugaenko L.V. Preconditions for prediction of technogenic seismic activity by cycles of objects of the solar system // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 188. p. 183-188.
Problems in geomechanics of technologeneous rock mass
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Cycles of the Earth and Sun – the important factor оf activity of geodynamic processes at coal- and ore mines

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The paper contains the substantiation of the determinable role of the cosmos in rhythms of natural and technogenic phenomena at coal- and ore mines. The latent and explicit periods of up-to-date phase of attenuation of the solar constant in the cycle since 1982 to 2070 are shown, as well as the geodynamic consequences of this depression. This paper seeks to give rise to discussion of this problem for working out of coordinated actions in the decrease of geodynamic risks.

How to cite: Shabarov A.N., Tarasov B.G. Cycles of the Earth and Sun – the important factor оf activity of geodynamic processes at coal- and ore mines // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 185. p. 37-40.
Current problems of the development of mineral deposits
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О космической природе ритмов геодинамической активности

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На основе анализа временных рядов сейсмических и техногенных геодинамических событий показана определяющая роль космических факторов в формировании ритмов геодинамической активности.  

How to cite: Tarasov B.G. // Journal of Mining Institute. 2006. Vol. № 3 168. p. 87-90.
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Energy balance of rock fracture and contact problems of exploratory drilling

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The study of energy balance in rock fracture is one of the directions of the scientific school of deformable solid mechanics developed for several decades at the Department of Structural Mechanics of the St. Petersburg (Leningrad) Mining Institute. The formation of this school is connected with the works of L.S. Burshtein, N.S. Bulychev, N.N. Kaidalov, A.N. Stavrogin and others. The practical results of this school are known at many sites of underground construction, in the mining industry, in exploratory drilling. Within the framework of this article, modern ideas about the mechanism of transformation of potential energy of elastic compression into dynamic types of energy during brittle fracture are briefly described, the balance of energy of this process is given, as well as examples of its use in solving a number of contact problems of exploratory drilling, least covered in the technical literature.

How to cite: Gorshkov L.K., Tarasov B.G., Nikolaev N.I. Energy balance of rock fracture and contact problems of exploratory drilling // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 2 148. p. 136-141.
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Разрушение и деформация горных пород как процесс статистического отбора структурных элементов

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Одним из важных свойств неоднородных материалов, в том числе и гор­ных пород, является существенное повышение прочности и предела упругости с ростом бокового давления σ 2 ...

How to cite: Tarasov B.G. // Journal of Mining Institute. 1991. Vol. 125. p. 37.
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При разработке угольных пластов, обладающих высокой газонос­ностью, интенсивное газовыделение является наиболее частым и важным препятствием в достижении высоких показателей производительности труда. Особые затруднения возникают в связи с переходом горных ра­бот на глубокие горизонты и разработкой мощных угольных пластов даже на небольших глубинах — порядка 200—300 м. Последнее харак­терно для Кузбасса, где, по данным Г Д. Лидина, метанообильность подготовительных работ достигает 50—60% от общего газового баланса шахт. Если учесть еще, что ступень метанообильности шахт для Куз­басса меньше, чем для Донбасса, то легко представить те трудности, с которыми уже в ближайшее время будет сопряжено ведение горных работ в этом бассейне. Некоторое представление о величине газовыделения в подготовительные горные выработки можно получить по данным табл. Уже на глубине 200—300 м борьба с повышенным газовыделе- нием методом разжижения метана до установленной нормы (не > 1%) становится крайне затруднительной.

How to cite: Tarasov B.G. // Journal of Mining Institute. 1959. Vol. № 1 38. p. 176.