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Vol 199
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On cosmic rotation-pulsatory cycles of the earth and the natural-technogeneous status of objects in underground space under conditions of geodynamic instability and solar depression in 1982-2065

B. G. Tarasov1
E. K. Melnikov2
L. V. Bugaenko3
About authors
  • 1 — National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
  • 2 — National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
  • 3 — National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
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The Article contains the suggestions to assign the status of natural-technical systems functionating in the global rotation-pulsatory regime, to the objects of underground space, i,e, underground structures of water-supply system, electric power system, gas and  heat-supply systems, to the metro structures, underground spaces of coal mines and ore mines and other technological complexes, and to assign the natural-technogeneous status to geodynamic phenomena occurring at these objects, i.e. breakage of pipelines with explosions and burning oydrocarbons, gushing of boiling water and rocks, deformation of tunnel walls and the metro stations causing leakage, etc., which takes account of a temporary natural component in dynamics of geospheres being attributed to vibratory rotation-pulsatory regimes of the Earth  by contrast to the acting status of these events as technogeneous phenomena, with no taking account of dynamics of the planet in variations of cosmic weather.

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