In paper the problem of distribution of expenses at the companies with complex processing of mineral raw materials is considered. The method of distribution of expenses on an example of the mining company and its defects is defined. In the conditions of instability in the market of mineral raw materials the minimum limit of the price for each type of production is established, the analysis of offered system of distribution of expenses is carried out and expediency of its application at this company is defined.
In article authors consider methods of an economic estimation of mineral resources for the problems decision which arise in the course of development of the deposits of mineral resources. In article authors show pluses and minuses of methods which are applied in an estimation of mineral resources. The method of the account of cost of actives of the mining enterprise and mountain rent is offered.
Questions of economic efficiency of use of mineral deposits are considered. Indicators of an estimation of complex extraction of useful components, low-waste and technologies without waste, substantiations of specifications of extraction and use of minerals at their extraction and processing are offered.
The article reviews current approaches to economic valuation of natural resources as elements of national wealth. The peculiarities and conditions of use of assessment methods. Conclusions about the need to improve Russian legislation and the methodology for assessing natural resources.
Problems of natural resources rational use and the environment protection at extraction and processing of minerals and nature resources potential are considered. Estimation of economic consequences of technogenic influence on the environment serves for nature use system effectiveness determination, nature use strategy and nature protection activity directions substantiation. Achievement of normative demands and ecological cleanness with minimum waste of recourses serves as criterion of nature protection activity effectiveness at mining enterprises.
The article deals with designing an integrated model of economic system development, which would reflect all aspects of its functioning. Estimation of sustainable development of the system is offered to be carried out with the so called integrated factor of sustainable development, which is calculated on the basis of economic, social and ecological stability factors. The variant of development, when the maximum value of the integrated stability factor, is reached is the most sustainable (with the values of economic, social and ecological stability factors exceeding 1). Thus, criterion of the system stability can be formulated as maximization of the value of the integrated stability factor.
Improving the efficiency of production in the mining industry is possible on the basis of improvement and development of the economic mechanism of rational use of mineral resources. One of the main objects of research in this case is the tax system, which is explained by its key importance for the effective process of developing the potential of mineral resources. The most important direction of improving the tax system in the mining industry is the transition to the rent principle of taxation, which makes it possible to link the taxes transferred by mining enterprises to the budget with the economic efficiency of mining production. Recommendations on improving the tax system for the Russian coal industry enterprises have been developed. They were used for the economic evaluation of the project of development and technical re-equipment of mines of Vorkuta industrial region for the period up to 2015.
In the conditions of market economy, the increase of efficiency of production in the mining industry is possible on the basis of perfection and development of the economic mechanism of rational use of mineral resources. One of the main objects of research in this case is the tax system, which is explained by its key importance for the effective process of development of the potential of mineral resources. The most important direction of improving the tax system in the mining industry is the transition to the rent principle of taxation, allowing to link the taxes transferred by mining enterprises to the budget, with the economic efficiency of mining production. Recommendations on improving the taxation system for enterprises of the Russian coal industry have been developed. They are used for economic assessment of the project of development and technical re-equipment of mines of the Vorkuta industrial district for the period up to 2015.
The issues of development of the system of material stimulation of employees of OAO Vorkutaugol in terms of achievement of strategic goals of the association are reflected, motivational processes and their influence on provision of effective stimulation are considered. It is pointed out that the level of labor remuneration costs is at the junction of interests of an enterprise and an employee. The acceptable level of company expenses on stimulation should exceed the expenses of worker on performance of labor activity, providing his motivation. In order to develop an effective system of remuneration of labor of OAO Vorkutaugol it is necessary to outline a clear development strategy. Determination of the stage of life cycle, where the enterprise is located, seems to be of primary importance. Attention is also paid to establishment of variable and constant parts of employee's earnings depending on his readiness to take risks for the sake of enterprise's strategy and increase of efficiency of production and sales of coal products.
The problem of rational use of natural resources and environmental protection in the mining and processing of minerals is considered as a task of improving the efficiency of environmental management, which is explained by the importance of this problem for the stabilization of economic development of the country and the formation of prerequisites for economic growth. The realization of a rational approach to nature management in the conditions of market relations is based on the financial and investment strategy, which assumes the possibility of using the financial resources of the trust fund, formed at the expense of deductions of subjects of nature management from the natural rent.
The problems of rational use of natural resources and environmental protection in the extraction and processing of mineral raw materials and natural resource potential are considered. Also considered the economic assessment of the consequences of the negative impact on the environment, evaluation of the effectiveness of environmental control. The economic estimation of natural resources is considered as a part of the problem of determining the economic efficiency of all social production. In all this, the most promising is the rent method. It is well combined with the system of market categories and is adequate to market relations. The feasibility study of the field development project is the basis for calculating the mining rent, and the calculation of the size of the rent is based on the assessment of cash flows. Assessment of economic consequences of anthropogenic impact on the environment serves to determine the efficiency of nature management system, justification of nature management strategy and directions of nature protection activity. The criterion of efficiency of environmental protection activities at mining enterprises is the achievement of regulatory requirements and environmental cleanliness with minimal expenditures of resources. The effectiveness of control over the use of natural resources is evaluated in order to improve the economic mechanism of rational use of natural resources. The main objects of research here are the tax system and the investment base of nature management. Priority directions of nature management and basic principles of nature management economy in modern conditions are formulated.
В 1994 г. исполнилось 60 лет кафедре экономики И организации горной промышленности Санкт-Петербургского государственного горного института (технического университета) ...
Переход к рыночной экономике предполагает, что на смену государственной опеке, иждивенчеству и уравниловке, апатии и безхозяйственности должны прийти свобода хозяйственной деятельности и ответственность каждого гражданина за свое благосостояние, напряженный и хорошо организованный труд, вознаграждаемый в соответствии с его результатами. На этой основе возможен значительный рост производительности труда работников, повышение качества выпускаемой продукции, снижение затрат используемых ресурсов, ускорение научно-технического прогресса и повышение эффективности производства ...
Переход страны к рыночной экономике и разнообразным формам собственности на средства производства вызвал необходимость пересмотра основных положений экономической науки и особенно методов оценки эффективности научно-технического прогресса (НТП) ...
Важнейшим направлением интенсификации и повышения экономической эффективности общественного производства является обеспечение рационального и экономного использования всех видов ресурсов: трудовых , материальных и природных ...
Ускорение научно-технического прогресса и повышение эффективности производства при добыче и переработке полезных ископаемых неразрывно связаны с решением задач охраны и рационального использования природных ресурсов ...
В современных условиях дальнейшее повышение эффективности общественного производства связано с рациональным и бережным использованием трудовых, материальных и природных ресурсов ...
Научно-техническая революция привела к резкому увеличению потребления полезных ископаемых в большинстве стран мира и выдвинула проблему охраны природы и рационального использования природных ресурсов на первый план ...
Повышение эффективности общественного производства - важнейшая проблема социалистической экономики на современном этапе. Ее решение является основой обеспечения дальнейшего развития народного хозяйства и значительного подъема материального и культурного уровня жизни советского народа ...
Необходимым условием дальнейшего повышения эффективности общественного производства и ускоренного развития горной промышленности является наличие правильных, научно-обоснованных цен на продукции данной отрасли. Цены на товарную продукцию горной промышленности должны в наибольшей степени соответствовать их экономической основе - стоимости, учитывать потребительные качества продукции и дифференциальную горную ренту ...
Переход на новые методы руководства, планирования и экономического стимулирования промышленного производства обусловлен необходимостью соответствия цен их экономической основе — стоимости. Цены на продукцию железорудной промышленности, Действующие в настоящее время, как правило, ниже их плановой себестоимости. В результате большое число предприятий и вся железорудная промышленность в целом планово убыточны. «Цены должны во все большей степени отражать общественно необходимые затраты труда, обеспечивать возмещение издержек производства и обращения и известную прибыль каждому нормально работающему предприятию». Организация подлинного хозяйственного расчета требует точной меры затрат и результатов. В условиях товарного хозяйства такой мерой может быть только цена, соответствующая стоимости ...