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I. B. Movchan
I. B. Movchan
National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)


Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Identification of structural control factors of primary gold ore occurrences by method of unmanned aeromagnetic survey by the example of the Neryungrisky district of Yakutia

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The long-term development of the geophysical industry, in which the methods of magnetometry are in maximum demand, as the simplest in instrumental and methodological execution, has determined the development of remote measurement methods implemented both from space and airborne carriers. The necessity to use the latter as an obligatory component of field surveys, providing coverage of significant areas, determines the need for using the unmanned low-tonnage carriers. Their use is implemented to search for predictive elements of structural (spatial, genetic) control of endogenous gold ore occurrences that allow predictive constructions, i.e., solving the problem of increasing gold reserves, which is being performed within the framework of federal programs. The purpose of the survey is to develop a system of instrumental and subsequent interpretation approaches in the organization of unmanned magnetometer survey, implemented for structural and geological mapping by the example of the Neryungrinsky district of Yakutia. Within the framework of the digital model formation of the relief and the anomalous magnetic field, a survey method using an unmanned aircraft, its technical characteristics are considered; the analysis and the author's modification of the office analysis of magnetometry data are performed. Based on the obtained materials, a physical and geological model of the investigated area was created, which is presented in the form of a geological and structural cut, accompanied by the physical characteristics of the structural and material complexes. The refinement of the physical and geological model was implemented by a joint morphostructural analysis of the remote base and the anomalous magnetic field using the results of quantative interpretation of the anomalous magnetic field. The result of the study is presented by an updated geological basis with the allocation of promising ore sites for their detailing as part of the planned large-scale geological and geophysical surveys. The scientific novelty of the work consists in the synthesis of the tried and tested methods of unmanned aeromagnetometric measurements and geostructural reconstructions, which allow the processing of both potential and non-potential geofields.

How to cite: Movchan I.B., Shaygallyamova Z.I., Yakovleva A.A. Identification of structural control factors of primary gold ore occurrences by method of unmanned aeromagnetic survey by the example of the Neryungrisky district of Yakutia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2022. Vol. 254. p. 217-233. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2022.23
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The work is devoted to the issues of seismic microzonation representativeness, which is amongst the mandatory assessments that precedes civil and industrial construction. In addition to the practical approach and in accordance with the normative documentation, the authors propose parametric interpretation of the remote basis by means of tracing geodynamic zones and elements of the geoblock structure, where the leading marker of seismogenic risk zones is the anomaly of spatial variability of the geofield, coinciding with the discordant intersection of localised land structures. Verification of this marker is achieved by displaying a cartographic distribution image within the range of the seismic point increment, detailed on the basis of approximation dependencies.

How to cite: Movchan I.B., Yakovleva A.A. REFINED ASSESSMENT OF SEISMIC MICROZONATION WITH A PRIORI DATA OPTIMISATION // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 236. p. 133. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.2.133
Qestion of the geoecology
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Primary forecast of density-related nonstationarity of cross-section upper part

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The state of profile higher part state and the directly depended housing stock are determined by geological factors and human influence. It both define time variation of the density of surface states structural and material systems. Gravimetric survey for the gravitational field temporal dynamics is the cheap method for its rapid assessment. Its description can be done at two levels: the structural one (qualitative) and the depth (quantitative).

How to cite: Movchan I.B., Asyanina V.Y. Primary forecast of density-related nonstationarity of cross-section upper part // Journal of Mining Institute. 2014. Vol. 207. p. 190.
Qestion of the geoecology
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Tracing the forecast structural elements while interpretation of remote sensing data within Fresnillo city (Central Mexica)

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The remote sensing data are experimental foundation for leading geological prediction, if the access to geophysical field is absent. The methodology of authorship for automatize lineament decoding with different generalization levels is used for analysis. The result represent a combination of linear and circular structures, which are arranged into a quasiperiodical plan. Discordant proportion areas of overlapping structural component of this plan have a prognostic significance.

How to cite: Movchan I.B., Asyanina V.Y. Tracing the forecast structural elements while interpretation of remote sensing data within Fresnillo city (Central Mexica) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2014. Vol. 207. p. 195.

On the question of reducing the ferroalloy complex negative impact on the environment as an example of one of the companies

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Environmental degradation is concerned not only with the oversight bodies, but also the general public. Therefore, many businesses, including relating to the ferroalloy complex, paying special attention to the implementation of conservation measures that reduce the impact on the health of people living in close proximity to industrial sites, and the environment.

How to cite: Movchan I.B., Asyanina V.Y. On the question of reducing the ferroalloy complex negative impact on the environment as an example of one of the companies // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 203. p. 71.
Modern methods and systems for indication and monitoring of environmental components
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Primary forecasting method in the problem of reducing loads on landscape under planning large-scale geological and ecological surveys

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The method is based on the formal lineament decoding the half-tone field of brightness of multispectral satellite slides. It includes the procedures  of point  of extremum tracing, rotation  and generalization with using angular and dispersion criteria. The result is the set of structuretectonic maps of different level of generalization. These maps are additionally processed for discovering the factors of structural control of ore objects of different ranges. Here the leading criteria are the periodicity, the areas of discordant relationship, and the singularities on the branches of logarithmic spirals. Such approach admits the forecast implementation with the information about reference objects and without this  one.

How to cite: Movchan I.B., Yakovleva A.A., Asyanina V.Y. Primary forecasting method in the problem of reducing loads on landscape under planning large-scale geological and ecological surveys // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 203. p. 190.
Environmental safety and risk assessment of technological impacts
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Seniority fixing in north regions: map-related project with estimation of climatic factors

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The project is focused on the comparative analysis of ecological-climatic data, population  and medical statistics within Russia, in particular, its North region. The investigation includes: development of original algorithm of automatic tracing the isolines for analogous maps digitizing; using ecological-demography and generalized medical information for allocation of areas of comfort perception of climate; digitized map zoning on the base of mentioned (reference) areas  and hazard index computing.

How to cite: Movchan I.B., Yakovleva A.A., Prokopova S.I. Seniority fixing in north regions: map-related project with estimation of climatic factors // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 203. p. 220.
Technical and environmental safety of mining industry
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Method of structural-geological forecast at processing of space images in the task of optimization of search for mineral deposits

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The method is based on the formal lineament decoding the half-tone field of brightness of multispectral satellite slides. It includes the procedures of point of extremum tracing, rotation and generalization with using angular and dispersion criteria. The result is the set of structure-tectonic maps of different level of generalization. These maps are additionally processed for discovering the factors of structural control of ore objects of different ranges. Here the leading criteria are the periodicity, the areas of discordant relationship, and the singularities on the branches of logarithmic spirals. Such approach admits the forecast implementation with the information about reference objects and without this one.

How to cite: Movchan I.B., Yakovleva A.A. Method of structural-geological forecast at processing of space images in the task of optimization of search for mineral deposits // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 180. p. 27-32.
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Monitoring of technogenic impact of environmentally hazardous facilities of OJSC Gazprom

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A system of industrial environmental monitoring (IEM) for the «Gazprom Company» is offered. The ARCGis information and measuring system is offered to be used as the IEM programming support which helps to carry out real time acquisition of data on the condition of the bodies monitored, data processing and analysis as well as distribution of monitoring result among various subdivisions of the enterprise. It was established that one of the most rational approaches to create the IEM system is introduction of the interpretation module of satellite images, taken in various spectral ranges and characterized with high spatial resolution characteristics.

How to cite: Pashkevich M.A., Movchan I.B., Petrova T.A. Monitoring of technogenic impact of environmentally hazardous facilities of OJSC Gazprom // Journal of Mining Institute. 2007. Vol. 172. p. 201-204.