Tracing the forecast structural elements while interpretation of remote sensing data within Fresnillo city (Central Mexica)
About authors
- 1 — National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
- 2 — National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
The remote sensing data are experimental foundation for leading geological prediction, if the access to geophysical field is absent. The methodology of authorship for automatize lineament decoding with different generalization levels is used for analysis. The result represent a combination of linear and circular structures, which are arranged into a quasiperiodical plan. Discordant proportion areas of overlapping structural component of this plan have a prognostic significance.
- Петров О.В. Прикладные аспекты теории диссипативного структурирования неравновесной геологической среды / О.В.Петров, И.Б.Мовчан // Петров О.В. Диссипативные структуры Земли как проявление волновых свойств материи. СПб, 2007. С.202-268.
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