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Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Well killing with absorption control

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The development of new fields with low-permeability reservoirs required the introduction of new production technologies, of which the most significant for well killing and underground repair were multi-ton hydraulic fracturing, the simultaneous operation of two or three development sites by one well grid, and an increase in the rate of fluid extraction. These global decisions in field development have led to the need to search for new effective materials and technologies for well killing. The article is devoted to the analysis of problems associated with the process of killing production wells in fields characterized by increased fracturing, both natural and artificial (due to hydraulic fracturing), with reduced reservoir pressure and a high gas factor. The relevance of the analysis is due to the increase in the number of development sites where complications arise when wells are killed. Particular attention is paid to technical solutions aimed at preserving the filtration and capacity properties of the bottomhole formation zone, preventing the absorption of process fluid, and blocking the manifestation of gas. The classification of block-packs used in killing is given, based on the nature of the process fluid. Suspension thickened water-salt solutions are considered, forming a waterproof crust on the surface of the rock, which prevents the penetration of water and aqueous solutions into the formation. This approach ensures the safety and efficiency of killing operations, especially when working with formations in which maintaining water saturation and preventing the ingress of the water phase are of critical importance. Modern trends in the development of technology are revealed, and promising areas for further improvement of well killing with absorption control are outlined.

How to cite: Saduakasov D.S., Zholbasarova A.T., Bayamirova R.U., Togasheva A.R., Tabylganov M.T., Sarbopeeva M.D., Kasanova A.G., Gusakov V.N., Telin A.G. Well killing with absorption control // Journal of Mining Institute. 2025. p. EDN SBXUTZ
Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Technology of absorption elimination with cross-linking plugging material based on cement and cross-linked polymer

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The peculiarity of the geological structure of carbonate reservoirs is their complex permeability and porosity characteristics, reflecting the simultaneous presence of cavities variety (fractures, caverns, pores). Loss of circulation during penetration of fractured rock intervals significantly increases well construction time due to lack of efficient plugging isolation compositions. The main disadvantages of traditional compositions are high sensitivity to dilution in the process of their injection into the absorption zone, as well as insufficient structural strength to prevent the isolation composition from spreading during the induction period. For efficient isolation of catastrophic absorption zones in conditions of high opening of absorption channels a new cross-linking plugging isolation composition has been developed, which allows to exclude disadvantages of traditional isolation compositions. Application of the composition will allow to reduce the injection volume of the isolation composition and the time of isolation works due to its resistance to dilution and movement of formation water in the absorption interval.

How to cite: Predein A.А., Garshina О.V., Melekhin A.А. Technology of absorption elimination with cross-linking plugging material based on cement and cross-linked polymer // Journal of Mining Institute. 2024. Vol. 266. p. 295-304. EDN BPUQNV
Oil and gas
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Efficiency Estimation of the Single- and Multicomponent Anti-hydrate Reagents

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Different types of technological and technical problems in the oil, gas and chemical industries are connected with the hydrate formation process and with the using of anti-hydrate chemicals. That is why, it is necessary to estimate thermobaric ranges within which reagents does not let hydrate to grow or is their dissociation. Also, to estimate anti-hydrate influence we need to determine the chemicals’ anti-hydrate efficiency and chose the best one. They make the reagents consisting of several chemical components depending on the purpose of their application – for prevention of formation and (or) elimination of hydrates. It demands calculations of the optimum concentration and expenses and also the intensity (speed) of hydrates dissociation causing with the reagents. The analytical method of the anti-hydrate chemical reagents efficiency determination containing one or several components from different classes of chemical compounds – alcohols, salts, acids, compounds of nitrogen and oxygen – is presented in this paper. With its help it is possible to define decrease in temperature of hydrate formation from reagents influence, to count key parameters of reagents anti-hydrate efficiency depending on component compositions of hydrate gas and a phase condition of a hydrate-gas system, to select types of chemical components and their quantity in multicomponent reagents, i.e., to make new compounds. The method can be used for express assessment of anti-hydrate chemical reagents efficiency on criteria sign for practical application in oil, gas and processing industry.

How to cite: Shostak N.A., Zaporozhets E.P. Efficiency Estimation of the Single- and Multicomponent Anti-hydrate Reagents // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 238. p. 423-429. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.4.423
Oil and gas
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Nondestructive techniques to control the quality and quantity of oil flows

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The article considers the issue of improving the efficiency of exploiting the acting oil fields and transportation system on the basis of modern hi-tech technologies to control the extracted and transported material. Factors are studied that lower the reliability of oil flow measurements, both qualitatively and quantitatively, the main ambiguities are described of using current systems for metrological account of oil transported through the pipelines. The effect is studied of inclusions in the transported oil flow on measurement efficiency. A technique is suggested for selective measurements of separate phases in the complex multi-phase flows with isotropic radio emission, the principal relationships are presented to describe the intensity of direct and scattered gamma-radiation on flow parameters. Criteria are given for developing a measurement system that would control the actual component composition of the flow with time, hence the amount of oil transported; that would enable organizing a centralized open department to control the quality of oil and transportation conditions, upgrade the level of production and provide high measurement accuracy. Results are presented of testing the technique on an operating oil field; the relative error margin of measuring free gas content was 0.2 %. The range is reviewed of possible applications for the measurement system of multi-phase multi-component flows, developed in the Saint Petersburg Mining University.

How to cite: Proskuryakov R.M., Kopteva A.V. Nondestructive techniques to control the quality and quantity of oil flows // Journal of Mining Institute. 2016. Vol. 220. p. 564-567. DOI: 10.18454/PMI.2016.4.564
Geoecology and occupational health and safety
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Inorganic and organic vitreous foam materials and prospect of environmental cleaning from oil and oil products pollutions

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The analysis of own experimental materials which are part of the new scientific direction – complex research of physical and chemical regularities of novel inorganic and organic vitreous sorbents and investigation of the oil and oil products absorption processes by that sorbents developed on department of the General and Physical Chemistry of National Mineral Resources University (Mining University) under the leadership of the author of this paper is provided. In particular, specifics of kinetic curves of oil absorption for sorbents with a vitreous surface are experimentally established and theoretically proved by the conducted researches.

How to cite: Kogan V.E. Inorganic and organic vitreous foam materials and prospect of environmental cleaning from oil and oil products pollutions // Journal of Mining Institute. 2016. Vol. 218. p. 331-338.
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Higher efficiency in drilling of oil and gas wells under complicated conditions

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The results of researches of properties of the new native waterswelling polymer «Petrosorb» are given. Description is given to the design of plugging-up tool for liquidation of catastrophic absorption of flushing fluid in the course of drilling of oil and gas wells.

How to cite: Nikolaev N.I., Ivanov A.I. Higher efficiency in drilling of oil and gas wells under complicated conditions // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 183. p. 308-310.