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capital expenditures

Economic Geology
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Analysing the problems of reproducing the mineral resource base of scarce strategic minerals

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The results of studying the scarcity of strategic minerals in the Russian Federation are presented, domestic consumption of which is largely provided by forced imports and/or stored reserves. Relevance of the work is due to aggravation of the geopolitical situation and a growing necessity to meet the demand of national economy for raw materials from own sources. Analysis of the state of mineral resource base of scarce minerals in the Russian Federation was accomplished, problems were identified and prospects for its development were outlined taking into account the domestic demand for scarce minerals, their application areas and the main consumers. Reducing the deficit through the import of foreign raw materials and the development of foreign deposits does not ensure the reproduction of the domestic mineral resource base, independence of the country from imported raw materials as well as additional competitive advantages, economic stability and security. It was ascertained that a major factor holding back the development of the mineral resource base is insufficient implementation of new technological solutions for the use of low-quality ore. Improving the technologies in the industry is relevant for all types of scarce minerals to solve the problem of reproducing their resource base. Taking into account the prospects for the development of the resource base for the minerals under consideration (manganese, uranium, chromium, fluorspar, zirconium, titanium, graphite) requires a set of legal and economic measures aimed at increasing the investment attractiveness of geological exploration for subsoil users at their own expense without attracting public funding. The proposed measures, taking into account the analysis of positive experience of foreign countries, include the development of junior businesses with expansion of the “declarative” principle, the venture capital market, various tax incentives, preferential loans as well as conditions for the development of infrastructure in remote regions. The proposed solution to the problem of scarcity of strategic minerals will make it possible in future to present measures to eliminate the scarcity of certain types of strategic minerals taking into account their specificity.

How to cite: Pashkevich N.V., Khloponina V.S., Pozdnyakov N.A., Avericheva A.A. Analysing the problems of reproducing the mineral resource base of scarce strategic minerals // Journal of Mining Institute. 2024. Vol. 270. p. 1004-1023. EDN HNTQBF
Geoeconomics and Management
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Methodological Approach to Substantiation of Capital Investments of Gold Fields Based on Unit Costs

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Issues of assessing capital expenditures for setting mineral deposits into operation are considered. Existing methods have a number of advantages and disadvantages, but they are determined separately for each type of fixed assets of the field. A simple method, that allows to quickly and easily determine the amount of capital costs for setting gold deposit into operation, based on data on ore reserves, as well as unit costs, taking into account the degree of infrastructure development at the deposit, is proposed. Presented methodology allows one to determine the real amount of initial capital expenditures of a gold deposit, calculate their marginal (recommended) value, and also assess the balance of capital investments in the development of a particular deposit, taking into account the existing one in the company's investment portfolio. The methodology is based on analysis of empirical material, which used real capital costs for development of gold deposits (and foreign-metal impurities) by Polymetal International plc. As a result of a statistical study, method for determining the marginal cost of a field is obtained.

How to cite: Zaitsev A.Y. Methodological Approach to Substantiation of Capital Investments of Gold Fields Based on Unit Costs // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 238. p. 459-464. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.4.459
Geoeconomics and Management
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A new stage in the development of the european natural gas market as a reflection of transition to national state capitalizm

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This article is devoted to the analysis of a situation and tendencies of development in the European natural gas market. The evolution of «energetic doctrine» models – from domination of great state monopolies to a competitive energetic doctrine – has been happening for the last 60 years. «The new global energetic doctrine» which includes state and interstate regulation strengthening is being formed now. An aggravation of contradictions in the natural gas market is a manifestation of a new stage in the mixed economy formation – the national state capitalism.

How to cite: Privalov N.G., Li T.B. A new stage in the development of the european natural gas market as a reflection of transition to national state capitalizm // Journal of Mining Institute. 2015. Vol. 215. p. 125-139.
Economics of nature utilization: energetics and steady development of society
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Investments in the real estate as a factor of human capital’s development

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The analysis of the state of human capital is conducted in the article. The necessity of strengthening of state interference is proven on the modern stage of development of the Russian economy. It is proven that the increase of investments in building and state support of development of this industry must become priority in modern terms. Advantages of investments are resulted in the sphere of the real estate before investments in other industries of industry.

How to cite: Lenkovets O.M., Kirsanova N.Y. Investments in the real estate as a factor of human capital’s development // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 184. p. 231-234.
Mineral raw materials complex: problems in control under new economical conditions
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Financial conglomerates: opportunities for cooperation with mining enterprises

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In this article it is argued whether there are significant opportunities for cooperation between financial conglomerates and the enterprises of the mining industry. The activities of financial conglomerates are not investigated thoroughly yet, as the alliances of that kind are of the relatively recent emergence and are now at the stage of rapid development. Their interactions with other industries have not been deeply researched either. Since the financial conglomerates have major influence on the modern world economical environment, it seems necessary to analyze the probable effect they may trigger in the strategic branch of Russian economy. This theme is particularly interesting nowadays, as the economical crisis demands for the search of new managerial solutions, including the financing sphere.

How to cite: Shakhpazov K.A. Financial conglomerates: opportunities for cooperation with mining enterprises // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 184. p. 108-113.
Mineral raw materials complex: problems in control under new economical conditions
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Integrated assessment state and use of capital business entity

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There is studied the totality of the capital and property of the managing subject as the basis of its financial resources. The financial resources structure characteristics is provided. There is proposed a complex analysis scheme for the enterprise capital use including the build-up source analysis, profitability analysis and ratio analysis of the different capital types turnover. There is recommended the aggregate procedure of the capital turnover ratio analysis to the financial results of the enterprise activity including the structural logic procedures of the owned and loan capital use.

How to cite: Scobelina V.P. Integrated assessment state and use of capital business entity // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 184. p. 84-88.
Economics of nature utilization: energetics and steady development of society
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Sustainable development: theoretical and methodological approaches

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In article the essence of an economic category sustainable development is reveals. The points of view on a problem of sustainable development economists of the basic modern scientific schools are considered. In a context of the neoclassic approach the condition of stability of development of Russia is shown.

How to cite: Sergeev I.B., Lapochkina L.V. Sustainable development: theoretical and methodological approaches // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 184. p. 264-269.