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Vol 164

Vol 163
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Greetings to the participants of the conference “Safe and Rational Use of Mineral Resources"

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I congratulate you on the start of the scientific and practical conference “Safe and rational use of mineral resources” dedicated to the 285th anniversary of the establishment of state mining supervision. This conference is a unique opportunity for close communication between representatives of science and nature users, heads of ministries and departments, central apparatus and territorial bodies of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision of Russia, managers and specialists of hazardous production facilities of mining operations, research organizations. It is difficult to overestimate the role of mineral resources for the country's economy, providing a significant inflow of foreign currency into the Russian treasury. A special place is occupied by the fuel and energy complex, which determines the economic and social development of the country. The main tasks in the sphere of rational use of mineral resources are: creation of high-tech production facilities for extraction and processing of minerals, reproduction of the mineral resource base and ensuring a high level of industrial safety. At the enterprises of mining industry, characterized by increased danger of production, there is a difficult situation with labor protection - not rare accidents that pose a threat to the health and life of miners, so in modern conditions it is necessary to transition to new principles in the management of industrial safety at the enterprises of the industry. Fundamentally new market relations determine the need to improve the previous and develop new approaches in this area. The team of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision successfully copes with a difficult task - the development of modern methods of labor safety management. I hope that cooperation with domestic science will continue to develop, bringing concrete practical solutions. I wish all those present a successful and fruitful work!

How to cite: Litvinenko V.S. Greetings to the participants of the conference “Safe and Rational Use of Mineral Resources" // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 164. p. 5-5.
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Greetings and congratulations to the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision and participants of the conference “Safe and Rational Use of Mineral Resources”

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Speeches of invited guests.

How to cite: Slovo V. Greetings and congratulations to the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision and participants of the conference “Safe and Rational Use of Mineral Resources” // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 164. p. 6-6.
Institutional and management solutions for improving the legal framework of industrial safety
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Historical milestones of formation of the state mining supervision of Russia

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The article analyzes some historical stages of development of the domestic mining inspection. The mining inspection fulfills an important mission - it carries out certain supervision over the safety of mining operations and resource conservation. Some urgent problems of mining safety, which require intensive efforts on the part of the state mining inspection, are discussed. A set of very complex tasks of damage and accident control is formulated. Modern approaches aimed at solving the problems of industrial safety and conservation of natural resources are presented.

How to cite: Artemev V.B. Historical milestones of formation of the state mining supervision of Russia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 164. p. 18-22.
Institutional and management solutions for improving the legal framework of industrial safety
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About reform of the system of the state mining supervision in conditions of transition to market economy

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The report considers some ways to improve industrial safety under conditions of fluctuations in the economic management system and different stages of formation of federal supervisory activities, as well as the role of safety assessment of hazardous production facilities.

How to cite: Vasilchuk M.P. About reform of the system of the state mining supervision in conditions of transition to market economy // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 164. p. 23-25.
Institutional and management solutions for improving the legal framework of industrial safety
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On the role of mining audit in ensuring safety and rational use of domestic mineral resource base

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The necessity of mining audit is considered in connection with the fact that the activity of mining enterprises is an example of intensive production, which is characterized by high productivity and significant concentration of material and labor resources, which inevitably predetermines an extremely high level of potential risks. The necessity of introducing the mining audit procedure into practice and giving it a legal status through the introduction of the law on subsoil is emphasized.

How to cite: Kovalev M.N., Afonin Y.A., Lobko V.P. On the role of mining audit in ensuring safety and rational use of domestic mineral resource base // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 164. p. 26-27.
Institutional and management solutions for improving the legal framework of industrial safety
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Realization of the state policy in the field of industrial safety

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The article considers the principles of national policy in the field of industrial safety and development of legislation aimed at preventing industrial accidents. The concept of updating the normative regulation of industrial safety is developed, as well as a number of conceptual projects and technical tasks for the development of technical regulations to create a new normative legal and technical field.

How to cite: Kulichev V.M. Realization of the state policy in the field of industrial safety // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 164. p. 28-32.
Institutional and management solutions for improving the legal framework of industrial safety
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About the importance of safe and rational use of mineral resources

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The main activities of mining inspection are considered, including all components of mining, from the design of mine workings, prototypes of new machinery and equipment, training of personnel and ending with the liquidation of mining enterprises after the completion of mining of all minerals.

How to cite: Malyshev A.B. About the importance of safe and rational use of mineral resources // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 164. p. 33-34.
Institutional and management solutions for improving the legal framework of industrial safety
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About interaction of mining supervision and academic science to provide rational and safe subsoil use

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The article deals with the issue of system development of scientific and technical support of supervisory bodies' activities aimed at preventing accidents and rational use of mining wealth. The author puts forward the idea of creating scientific and technical councils at the Engineering Supervision of Russia, which will combine the functions of mining inspection, management of mining enterprises, academic and professional science, association of mining and expert bodies.

How to cite: Ruban A.D. About interaction of mining supervision and academic science to provide rational and safe subsoil use // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 164. p. 35-38.
Institutional and management solutions for improving the legal framework of industrial safety
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Legal regulation of rational use of mineral raw materials resources and subsoil protection

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The normative fixation of the principles aimed at regulating the rational use of mineral resources and subsoil protection, which are planned to be fixed in the draft federal law “On Subsoil” currently under preparation, is considered.

How to cite: Fedorov S.I., Vasilevskaya D.V. Legal regulation of rational use of mineral raw materials resources and subsoil protection // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 164. p. 39-41.
Institutional and management solutions for improving the legal framework of industrial safety
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Registration of normative-legal acts taking into account the requirements of the legislation on technical regulation

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The article considers the procedure for the passage of normative acts established by law. The article notes that federal executive authorities carrying out their activities through territorial bodies are not entitled to delegate authority on matters of rule-making, since the issuance of normative acts is the prerogative right of federal executive authorities.

How to cite: Khomchik T.N. Registration of normative-legal acts taking into account the requirements of the legislation on technical regulation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 164. p. 42-44.
Institutional and management solutions for improving the legal framework of industrial safety
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Main directions of improvement of normative-legal provision of rational use of mineral resources in coal industry

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The paper considers the problems associated with the imperfection of legal support of the processes of development and utilization of mineral wealth and, first of all, with the absence of the concept of “dilution of reserves” in the regulatory legal acts. It is necessary to redefine fully formed procedures for licensing the right to use mineral deposits, as well as a recognized system of taxation. Organizational and technical solutions to improve the legal norms related to subsoil use by existing coal mining enterprises are outlined below.

How to cite: Khramtsov V.I., Minakov V.V. Main directions of improvement of normative-legal provision of rational use of mineral resources in coal industry // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 164. p. 45-48.
Organizational and managerial solutions for safe and rational use of mineral and raw material resources
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Experience of safe and rational use of mineral resources at OAO Uchalinsky MPP

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In the paper the author describes the main development trends of the open joint-stock company “Uchalinsky Mining and Processing Combine”, tells about the further construction and reconstruction of mines, which are part of the enterprise, about the expansion of its mining base, about certain technological progress in operation, about the means of mechanization of mining operations both open and underground, about technical re-equipment and production application of some progressive achievements of science and technology. An important role in the system of integrated development of deposits is played by utilization and storage of production waste (overburden and tailings of processing plants). The overburden rocks are used to extract crushed stone in order to produce crushed building rubble.

How to cite: Abdrakhmanov I.A. Experience of safe and rational use of mineral resources at OAO Uchalinsky MPP // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 164. p. 49-52.
Organizational and managerial solutions for safe and rational use of mineral and raw material resources
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Problems of development of some mineral deposits in the Lower Volga region

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Further, the problems of development of some bischofite deposits, therapeutic waters, sulfide muds are considered; ways of preserving the Elton natural healing zone; expediency of gratuitous exploitation of deposits.

How to cite: Borodai S.V. Problems of development of some mineral deposits in the Lower Volga region // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 164. p. 53-57.
Organizational and managerial solutions for safe and rational use of mineral and raw material resources
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Issues of Industrial Safety and Integrated Use of Subsoil in OAO Krasnoyarskkrayugol

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The article deals with the activities of Open Joint Stock Company Krasnoyarskkrayugol on multi-purpose utilization of coals for associated rare metals mining, for the formation of semi-coke, for the manufacture of briquettes and other products. The ways of realization of some provisions of the law on industrial safety of hazardous production facilities are shown.

How to cite: Vinokurov V.A. Issues of Industrial Safety and Integrated Use of Subsoil in OAO Krasnoyarskkrayugol // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 164. p. 58-60.
Organizational and managerial solutions for safe and rational use of mineral and raw material resources
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Safe and rational use of mineral resources on the territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan

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The issues of improvement of industrial safety, subsoil protection and rational use of mineral resources of the Republic of Bashkortostan are considered. It analyzes the mineral resource base of the Bashkir Trans-Urals and the exploration of reserves of deposits, assesses the state of industrial safety at the facilities of the mining, ore and oil industries.

How to cite: Gabdyushev R.I. Safe and rational use of mineral resources on the territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 164. p. 61-63.
Organizational and managerial solutions for safe and rational use of mineral and raw material resources
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To the question about actuality of development of the system of providing safety of production of the mining enterprise

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High rates of accidents and accident rates, as well as insufficiently substantiated methods (management activities) to reduce injuries and accidents hinder Russia's accession to the WTO, since when enterprises enter foreign markets it is desirable that management in the field of industrial accident prevention meets international requirements, i.e. complies with some standards, for example, ISO 14000 series, OHSAS 18000 series. In this regard, there is a need to develop a methodology for the development of the system of prevention of occupational injuries at mining enterprises, ensuring a sustainable level of accidents and accident rate reduction.

How to cite: Gusev A.I. To the question about actuality of development of the system of providing safety of production of the mining enterprise // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 164. p. 64-65.
Organizational and managerial solutions for safe and rational use of mineral and raw material resources
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Safe and rational use of mineral resources on the territory of Samara region

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The article deals with the issues of personnel and material and technical support of the Mining Inspection of Samara Administration for technological and environmental control, fulfillment of the requirements of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Subsoil” in the production of hydrocarbons in the Samara region and supervision of activities in the field of blasting. The article analyzes the main problems of enterprises identified as a result of supervisory activities conducted by the mining inspection, outlines ways to solve the problems. Further, the statistical data of inspection practice in the Samara Department of Technological and Environmental Supervision are presented.

How to cite: Zolnikov Y.G. Safe and rational use of mineral resources on the territory of Samara region // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 164. p. 66-72.
Organizational and managerial solutions for safe and rational use of mineral and raw material resources
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Safe and rational utilization of geothermal resources of Kamchatka

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An alternative method of electricity generation is considered - utilization of geothermal energy of the Earth in Kamchatka conditions, which allows to refuse the delivery of organic fuels (oil products, coal) to the peninsula.

How to cite: Zuev V.A. Safe and rational utilization of geothermal resources of Kamchatka // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 164. p. 73-75.
Organizational and managerial solutions for safe and rational use of mineral and raw material resources
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Protection of Subsoil and Rational Utilization of Hydro-mineral Resources of Caucasian Mineral Waters

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The work addresses the activities of the district administration for technological and environmental supervision of the Stavropol district in the field of subsoil use at the stage of geological exploration, extraction of mineral water and rational use of geothermal resource, environmental and sanitary condition of zones of special control of mineral water deposits in the territory of the ecological and resort region of the Russian Federation - Caucasian Mineral Waters. Problems in the sphere of subsoil use are analyzed, possible ways of their solution are considered.

How to cite: Kaznacheev A.I. Protection of Subsoil and Rational Utilization of Hydro-mineral Resources of Caucasian Mineral Waters // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 164. p. 76-79.
Organizational and managerial solutions for safe and rational use of mineral and raw material resources
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Waste utilization - the way of economic growth

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The article highlights the prospects for the use of industrial waste in the Sverdlovsk region, the volume of which amounts to 8.5 billion tons. The article analyzes the experience of implementing the regional program “Industrial Waste Recycling in the Sverdlovsk Region” aimed at involving waste in the production process and reducing its harmful impact on the environment.

How to cite: Mironov V.V. Waste utilization - the way of economic growth // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 164. p. 80-83.
Organizational and managerial solutions for safe and rational use of mineral and raw material resources
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About the necessity of state support of coal enterprises in the issues of creation of safe labor conditions

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The author analyzes the activities of private coal mining enterprises, considers the problems associated with the need for public funding of the enterprises' efforts to improve working conditions and labor protection

How to cite: Khaspekov P.R. About the necessity of state support of coal enterprises in the issues of creation of safe labor conditions // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 164. p. 84-85.
Organizational and managerial solutions for safe and rational use of mineral and raw material resources
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Topical problems of industrial safety and subsoil protection at the gold mining enterprises of the Republic of Buryatia

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The article presents an analysis of placer gold mining conditions characterized by aggravation of mining and geological conditions - thickening of peat, complex structure of a number of placers with multilayer distribution of gold, lack of areas for placement of external dumps in places with steep valley slopes, defeat of almost all placers by waste materials of the past years, low availability of explored reserves for enterprises. The way to increase the volume of placer gold production is to improve the efficiency of re-extraction of fine and fine gold. The need to replace outdated equipment with technological complexes using stripping machines, centrifugal concentrators, etc. is given below.

How to cite: Khyshiktuev S.V. Topical problems of industrial safety and subsoil protection at the gold mining enterprises of the Republic of Buryatia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 164. p. 86-87.
Organizational and managerial solutions for safe and rational use of mineral and raw material resources
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Experience and Prospects of Rational Utilization of Mineral Raw Material Resources in OAO Lebedinsky GOK

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This article outlines the problems of resource conservation in the open joint-stock company Lebedinsky Mining and Processing Plant, including the rational use of natural, industrial and secondary resources.

How to cite: Shergin S.G. Experience and Prospects of Rational Utilization of Mineral Raw Material Resources in OAO Lebedinsky GOK // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 164. p. 88-91.
Technical-organizational solutions for re-equipment and modernization of productions
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Technical re-equipment and modernization of mining production of the Polar Division of OAO MMC Norilsk Nickel

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The article discusses some ways to improve operational safety and commercial efficiency of the transpolar sister company of Open Joint Stock Company Norilsk Nickel - Mining and Metallurgical Combine. Among them: development of a new technology for consolidation charge formation (Tekf-lex type); measures to introduce and increase the use of highly efficient and safer non-electric explosion initiation means (NEMBI); implementation of the pilot project “Mining Automation System” with MineScape software support, etc.

How to cite: Bogdanov M.N. Technical re-equipment and modernization of mining production of the Polar Division of OAO MMC Norilsk Nickel // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 164. p. 92-94.
Technical-organizational solutions for re-equipment and modernization of productions
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Diagnostics of field pipelines as a means to increase the reliability of pipeline systems

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The issues of safety and reliability of operation of field pipelines, methods of control of field pipelines - inspection, revision and diagnostics are considered.

How to cite: Gabdrakhmanov N.K., Mingulov S.G., Strizhnev V.A., Karimov R.D. Diagnostics of field pipelines as a means to increase the reliability of pipeline systems // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 164. p. 95-96.
Technical-organizational solutions for re-equipment and modernization of productions
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Modern explosives and technologies of their application

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The article deals with the activity of CJSC “Nitro Sibir” on creation of highly effective emulsion explosives of “Sibirit” type and planning of their industrial production, development of standard modular industrial complexes for production of emulsion explosives and efficient transporter-loaders for their charging. The experience of Sibirit-3 CJSC, which carries out blasting operations with the use of Sibirits for Ka-relian Steel Rolling Plant OJSC, has been analyzed and is given below.

How to cite: Zhuchenko E.N., Elizov O.N. Modern explosives and technologies of their application // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 164. p. 97-101.
Technical-organizational solutions for re-equipment and modernization of productions
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Ensuring the Safety of Mining Operations at the Mine of OAO Knauf Gips Novomoskovsk

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The article deals with the technical re-equipment of the mine of the joint-stock company “Knauff Hip-Sum Novomoskovsk” and the main achievements in the field of accident prevention in the mining industry, which were achieved thanks to new investments of the company “Knauff”, reconstruction, modernization of the main engineering structures, strengthening of the state supervision over the safe production facility.

How to cite: Makeev A.V. Ensuring the Safety of Mining Operations at the Mine of OAO Knauf Gips Novomoskovsk // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 164. p. 102-106.
Technical-organizational solutions for re-equipment and modernization of productions
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Analysis and risk management of technical devices operation in oil and gas industry

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Some aspects of risk management associated with the maintenance of engineering devices at oil production enterprises are considered, an algorithm for extending the service life of engineering devices is developed, and risk management methods are further outlined.

How to cite: Pridvizhkin V.A., Babyn S.G., Denisov O.G. Analysis and risk management of technical devices operation in oil and gas industry // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 164. p. 107-108.
Technical-organizational solutions for re-equipment and modernization of productions
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Creation of rheological properties of drilling muds providing safety of drilling process

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A significant role in creating safe drilling conditions is played by hydrodynamic pressures in the well, which are determined by the rheological properties of drilling fluids. Rheological properties of drilling fluids are studied from the position of classical mechanics. This approach does not require taking into account the discreteness of the fluid at the suspension level and the composition of the fluid itself, and does not take into account the influence of intermolecular forces acting inside the fluid. The paper considers the influence of the state of bonds in water on the rheological properties of drilling fluids.

How to cite: Sharafutdinov Z.Z. Creation of rheological properties of drilling muds providing safety of drilling process // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 164. p. 109-113.
Environmental and economic aspects of mineral deposits development
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Role of the Orenburg region in solving the problems of environmental safety and rational use of natural resources

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Uncontrolled population growth and resource scarcity on the one hand, and ecological tensions associated with the extraction of oil, gas and mineral resources on the other, pose global challenges to humanity. The well-being of the future and the security of our country will depend on how rationally we can dispose of the Earth's resources today. The Orenburg region is a convincing example of extensive extraction of organic and mineral raw materials with the use of technologies that do not meet the requirements of the modern level. The author believes that this condition is typical for many of our regions, in this connection the state should declare as a priority the solution of the problems of waste-free deep processing of raw materials and preservation of resources for future generations.

How to cite: Kolinichenko A.F. Role of the Orenburg region in solving the problems of environmental safety and rational use of natural resources // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 164. p. 114-117.
Environmental and economic aspects of mineral deposits development
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Features of environmental substantiation of design decisions for objects located on territories with environmental restrictions

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The necessity to change the practice of approvals and environmental ex-pertection in the preparation of environmental sections of pre-project and project documentation, the expediency of revising the existing procedure of environmental expertise of pre-project and project documentation, the use of positive experience of industrial safety expertise, revision of the methodology for calculating the norms of MPE and MPD was substantiated.

How to cite: Nikitin I.I., Kalinin V.V., Sterlenko A.Y., Kozlovtseva L.N. Features of environmental substantiation of design decisions for objects located on territories with environmental restrictions // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 164. p. 118-121.
Environmental and economic aspects of mineral deposits development
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About methodical support of ecological legal support of economic activity

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The work is devoted to some aspects of the legal “vacuum” of ecological normative-legal support of economic activity in the Russian Federation.

How to cite: Nifontova T.I. About methodical support of ecological legal support of economic activity // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 164. p. 122-124.
Environmental and economic aspects of mineral deposits development
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Problems of taxation improvement in mining industries

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This article presents an analysis of the forms of taxation carried out in Russia, highlighting the problems of taxation in the mining industries and, above all, the main problem - the mineral extraction tax. Further, the issue of “fair” calculation of mineral extraction tax for each specific deposit with its own mining, geological, economic and geographical conditions is considered.

How to cite: Salina A.I. Problems of taxation improvement in mining industries // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 164. p. 125-127.
Environmental and economic aspects of mineral deposits development
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Impact assessment and protection of mine workers from negative environmental impact

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The paper presents the basics of the theory of the study of the dynamics of psychophysiological potential of personality and the use of the assessment procedure to evaluate the current state of workers of mining enterprises located in the North. Then recommendations and countermeasures to prolong the period of life activity are given.

How to cite: Shuvalov Y.V., Burlakov S.D., Tucha N.A. Impact assessment and protection of mine workers from negative environmental impact // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 164. p. 128-133.
Environmental and economic aspects of mineral deposits development
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Resolution of the conference “Safe and rational use of mineral resources”

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Decision taken following the results of the conference.

How to cite: Malyshev A.B. Resolution of the conference “Safe and rational use of mineral resources” // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 164. p. 134-137.