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Vol 139
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Methodology for calculating the settling time of hygroscopic dust particles in the moistened flow of mine air

Yu. V. Adamenko
A. G. Deinis
I. P. Ozernoy
M. M. Smetanin
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A methodology for calculating the deposition time of hygroscopic aerosol particles in an air stream with relative humidity exceeding the hygroscopic point of dust particles is proposed. Calculation formulas allowing to estimate the time of particles deposition at different stages of their growth due to condensation and gravitational coagulation are presented.

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  1. Медведев И. И., Красноштейн А.Е. Борьба с пылью на калийных рудниках. M.: Недра, 1977.
  2. Райст П. Аэрозоли. М.: Недра, 1987.
  3. Тверской П.Н. Курс метеорологии. М.: Наука, 1962.

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