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Vol 139
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Gas emissions in potash mines of the Starobinsky deposit

I. I. Medvedev
A. N. Vedenin
V. V. Smirnyakov
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Production studies using a specially developed methodology have shown that the pillar system of potash development at the Starobinsky deposit results in the release of combustible gases into the existing mine workings. The main component of these gases is methane, heavy hydrocarbons are emitted in insignificant amounts. Under normal conditions the absolute gas emission at the mine sites is insignificant. In the total gas balance of the sites, the main part (up to 98%) is gas emission from the mined-out space.

Медведев И.И., Веденин А.Н., Смирняков В.В. О газовыделениях в калийных рудникax Старобинского месторождения // Записки Горного института. 1994. Т. 139. С. 39-44.
Medvedev I.I., Vedenin A.N., Smirnyakov V.V. Gas emissions in potash mines of the Starobinsky deposit // Journal of Mining Institute. 1994. Vol. 139. p. 39-44.
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