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Vol 147
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Problems of creating electrical complexes for the mining and oil and gas industry

B. N. Abramovich
A. E. Kozyaruk
R. M. Proskuryakov
V. V. Rudakov
O. B. Shonin
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In the article, the main directions of the 2000 research in the field of creating electrical complexes for mining oil gas industries are considered. They are: the application of non-contact regulated power drive with control algorithms for mining machines and mechanisms; ensuring higher productivity and energy saving development of electrical technologies and special technical means for mining operations development of automated electrical complexes and systems based on the introduction of microprocessor technology; design, development and implementation of computer technology and automated control of energy consumption and adaptation of new types of electrical equipment, ensuring increased reliability and efficiency of electrical complexes; development and implementation of the concept and algorithms of usage management in oil production complexes; development of automatic control system of multifunctional resonant angle transducers with motion of different frequency and amplitude; application of methods of direct electrotechnology, based on electromechanical transfer of electric field energy in the rock proper to obtain technological effect development of electrical complexes of automatic and automated systems, which can be designed and developed as autonomous systems of different purposes.

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