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Vol 147
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Computer technology in education and testing systems

B. Z. Bezmozgin
N. Ya. Golovenchits
A. P. Kondrashev
A. B. Makhovikov
I. O. Onushkina
G. A. Prudinskii
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The article presents research work of the Informatics and Computer Technologies Department on the application of modern computer technologies for teaching and testing systems. Two research works are described: a universal system of computer testing and a system for assessing the quality of articulation of Russian digits. The universal system of computer testing is developed on the basis of new information technologies, testing records and testing itself. The testing system is oriented to a wide range of uses, including knowledge control in the learning process and test taking. The system for assessing the quality of articulation of the ten Russian digits is based on modern advances in speech technology and allows you to evaluate both the overall quality of articulation and pronunciation errors of word length. An experimental study of the system allowed us to conclude that the assessment it produces corresponds to the experts' assessment in about 73% of cases.

Безмозгин Б.З., Головенчиц Н.Я., Кондрашев А.П., Маховиков А.Б., Онушкина И.О., Прудинский Г.А. Компьютерные технологии в системах обучения и контроля знаний // Записки Горного института. 2001. Т. 147. С. 203-209.
Bezmozgin B.Z., Golovenchits N.Y., Kondrashev A.P., Makhovikov A.B., Onushkina I.O., Prudinskii G.A. Computer technology in education and testing systems // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. 147. p. 203-209.
Go to volume 147


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