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Vol 148 No 1
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Laser initiation of energy-intensive compositions

E. A. Zhukov1
A. P. Kuzmenko2
M. A. Ilyushin3
N. A. Leonenko4
About authors
  • 1 — Pacific National University
  • 2 — Pacific National University
  • 3 — St. Petersburg State Institute of Technology
  • 4 — Research center of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
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The interest in works devoted to laser impact on energy-saturated compositions (EC) has been steadily increasing recently, which is largely predetermined by the practical needs of creating safe means of initiation of explosives. Conducting research on experimental selection of optimal chemical compositions of ES that meet the requirements of their remote detonation and formation of profiled detonation waves during laser initiation with a given sequence of actuation is quite in demand.

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  1. Александров Е.И., ВознюкА.Г. // Физика горения и взрыва. 1993. Т.29. № 2.
  2. Ассовский И.Г. // Химическая физика. 1992. Т.324. № 1.
  3. Ассовский ИГ. // ДАН. Химия. 1994. Т.337. № 6.
  4. Карлов Н.В. Лазерная термохимия / Н.В.Карлов, Н.А.Кириченко, Б.С.Лукьянчук. М.: ЦентрКом, 1994.
  5. Таржанов В.И., Литвинов Б.В., Зинченко А.Д., Козерук Н.П., Сдобное В.И. II Изв. ВУЗОВ. Горный журнал. 1999. №4.

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