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Vol 148 No 1
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Formation and registration of solitons in granular media

I. V. Belinskii1
V. V. Grzhibovskii2
V. A. Lemeshko3
About authors
  • 1 — Department of Explosion Geodynamics of the IGPh, NAS
  • 2 — Department of Explosion Geodynamics of the IGPh, NAS
  • 3 — Department of Explosion Geodynamics of the IGPh, NAS
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In the world around us there are many examples of environments composed of the same elements. These include biological structures, electrical circuits, and granular artificial materials. Similar structures composed of separate granules and blocks can be found in a rock formation. All these media have nonlinear properties and are extended. We are interested in the method of energy transfer through media of periodic structure.

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