Calculation of the stress state of rock mass during vertical concentrated charge explosion
- 1 — Institute of Mining of the Siberian Branch of the RAS
- 2 — Institute of Mining of the Siberian Branch of the RAS
- 3 — Institute of Mining of the Siberian Branch of the RAS
Among the methods of rock destruction used in the development of mineral deposits, the drilling and blasting method is the most widely used. A significant number of works are devoted to practical and experimental study of rock mass destruction processes, in which a comprehensive assessment of the problem in question is carried out. At the same time, practice constantly puts forward new tasks, the solution of which is difficult to implement on the basis of available knowledge and ideas. It is impossible to overcome the emerging difficulties without additional scientific research. A large number of issues requiring a solution arise in the fields of Mountain Shoriya and Khakassia when applying vertical concentrated charges (VCC). They are used for destruction of technological blocks of rocks formed during the mining of ore bodies by the systems of stage forced collapse. The main purpose of successful application of VCC is the maximum destruction of the ore massif within the excavated block.
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