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Vol 151
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Development of a methodology for the restructuring of a vertically integrated oil company

A. V. Petrov
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  • G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining University
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The activities of Russian oil companies are subject to special requirements from the state. An oil company at a certain stage of its development inevitably faces the need to change its structure (if the existing resources and potential of the company do not match the conditions and dynamics of the external environment). Top managers, guided by their experience and intuition, have a general idea of the forthcoming restructuring strategy, but it is a very difficult task for a company management to objectively estimate the scope of work to be done and resources required, to clearly define the action plan, to foresee the consequences, to mobilize the personnel for the tasks to be performed. Carrying out restructuring is an integral part of modern business management. The article presents the characteristics of the main factors of the external environment of the activities of Russian oil companies, taking into account them proposes a methodology for restructuring a vertically integrated oil company (VIC), gives practical recommendations for the formation of the executive body of the project. The presented methodology of VINK restructuring as a constituent element was implemented in the “Methodological recommendations on assessing sustainability of NK “YUKOS” development” in the framework of St. Petersburg Mining Institute Strategic Planning Center activities in 2000.

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