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Vol 223
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Justified selection of a seam degassing technology to ensure safety of intensive coal mining

S. V. Slastunov1
E. P. Yutyaev2
About authors
  • 1 — Ph.D., Dr.Sci. professor National University of Science and Technology «MISIS»
  • 2 — general director JSC «SUEK-Kuzbass»
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The paper contains main aspects of methodological approach to objective analytic assessment of maximum permissible output of the mine faces from the viewpoint of gas factor. Analytic forecast is centered around the assessment of methane inflow into the face area from all possible sources, based on fundamental physical laws, modern tools of mathematical modeling and in-situ tests of main properties and state parameters of the gas-bearing coal formation. Objective and reliable estimation of permissible outputs is a starting point for justified selection of a seam degassing technology, that has to be based on time factor and predicted value of gas recovery from a coal seam to a degassing well. Recommendations have been formulated on the selection of degassing technology for the coal seam «Boldyrevsky» of the Kirov mine, based on the use of cutting-edge technological schemes (hydraulic fracture, carried out from development workings, etc.), successfully implemented on the mentioned site.

gas factor permissible output forecast methodology selection of seam degassing technology hydraulic fracture practical recommendations
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