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Vol 152
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Development of methods for crossing the emission hazardous zones when excavating the third potash layer of the Starobinskoye deposit at full capacity

Yu. G. Sirenko1
E. R. Kovalskii2
About authors
  • 1 — Associate Professor G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute
  • 2 — Research assistant G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute
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Statistical analysis of the results of crossing by mining works of geological disturbances of dip trough type at PA Belaruskali has been performed. I.A. Odessky's theory on formation of dip troughs is considered and specified. On the basis of the basic method, used in the mines of the Association and the described theory of mound formation, the method of artificial initiation of coal and gas blowout in the longwall at excavation of the Third Potash Seam of Starobinskoye deposit at full capacity was developed. Parameters of the method are determined taking into account the geometric structure of the dipping trough. Immediately before the initiation of drilling and blasting operations a conductive channel is formed for salt and gas ejection into the mined-out space. For the given method, taking into account geological structure of the troughs and physical and mechanical properties of salt rocks, a standard BWR passport for artificial initiation of salt and gas ejection with limitation of the ejection intensity is calculated. According to the passport, the blasting is carried out with three deceleration stages, at that the central borehole is not charged. The results of calculations of parameters of works on initiation of sudden emissions in zones of geological disturbances are presented.

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