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Vol 152
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The choice and justification of methods for calculating the parameters of massif elements when dissolving salt in mining and geological conditions of mining domed deposits

O. V. Kovalev1
S. P. Mozer2
About authors
  • 1 — Professor G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute
  • 2 — Postgraduate student G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute
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A brief characteristic of the Sol-Iletsk rock salt deposit is given and the main technological parameters of its mining are described. An analysis of various techniques for assessing the stability of underground dissolution chambers is performed, which showed that the use of such techniques in specific mining and geological conditions in the mining of domed deposits (by underground dissolution) does not adequately reflect the operating conditions of critical elements of the rock mass. Estimation of the stress-strain state of rocks may be done using numerical methods for solving mining-geotechnical problems: the boundary element methods, the finite element method, the finite difference method - also for mining-geological conditions of Sol-Iletsk field. Numerical solutions (based on the listed methods) quite objectively reflect the stress-strain state of salt massif in the vicinity of dissolution chambers. Modeling of technological parameters of rock salt mining by underground dissolution may be carried out by the dummy loadings method. Preliminary calculations by the mentioned method, carried out for the already worked out sections, give a rather high convergence of the calculated and observed results. The described method is implemented in the form of a computer program and will be used for further research.

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