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Vol 152
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The problem of implementing the concept of sustainable development in subsoil use

N. G. Ershova
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  • Student G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute
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Criteria of the concept of sustainable development in the sphere of subsoil use are the preservation and improvement of the quality of the natural environment, achievement of a certain quality of life of the population, increasing the efficiency of environmental management. The investment base of the region was taken as the main object of the study, which is explained by its key importance for the process of development of mineral and raw material resources. The implementation of the concept of sustainable development of the economic system involves the creation of built-in mechanisms of stabilization, providing sustainable economic growth in the future. Such "stabilizer" can be financial resources of the Trust, formed at the expense of deductions of subjects of natural resource use from natural rent. It is proposed to calculate the size of the mountain rent as the balance of monetary funds generated in the process of field development. Calculation of cash flow forecast on a conditional example is given.

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  1. Цыплякова Е.Г. Взаимосвязь экологических и экономических проблем в условиях становления рыночных отношений / Е.Г.Цыплякова, Г.Г.Цыпляков, А.И. Зинченко // Колыма. 2000. № 3.
  2. Концепция перехода Российской Федерации к устойчивому развитию // Собрание законодательства РФ. 1996. № 15.

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