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Vol 152
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Research article

Holocene transgression of the Northwest Laptev Sea based on foraminifer complex analysis

D. V. Roshchina
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  • Student G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute
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The aim of this work was to investigate and reconstruct paleogeorgraphic changes during the postglacial stage of the Laptev Sea development based on the temporal and spatial distribution of species composing the complexes of modern and Holocene foraminifers. These analyses were based on the study of samples from the bottom sampling column PS51/154-11, located in the upper part of the continental slope of the Laptev Sea. In this column, foraminifer complexes characterizing different stages of the Holocene transgression were identified. Fifteen samples were processed and more than 25 species were identified. The samples were transferred by A.S. Rudy (St. Petersburg Mining Institute). The processed collection is stored at the O.Yu. Schmidt Laboratory of Marine and Polar Research (OSHL). Technical sampling was performed by the author at the OSHL and at the Department of Geological Mapping of the All-Russian Research Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources of the World Ocean. Micro-objects were sampled under an OLYMPUS SZX-9 binocular.

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