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Vol 153
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Hydrogeological studies to assess water resources in the province of Almeria (Spain)

E. V. Molskii1
P. K. Konosavskii2
L. N. Sindalovskii3
V. G. Rumynin4
About authors
  • 1 — St. Petersburg Branch, Institute of Geoecology RAS
  • 2 — St. Petersburg Branch, Institute of Geoecology RAS
  • 3 — St. Petersburg Branch, Institute of Geoecology RAS
  • 4 — St. Petersburg Branch, Institute of Geoecology RAS
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A set of hydrogeological, hydrological and geophysical research methods was used to solve problems related to the estimation of groundwater resources. The results obtained were used in the development of numerical geofiltration models of groundwater deposits. Mathematical modeling is the main tool used in the assessment of groundwater resources and reserves within a number of allocated hydrogeological units. The conducted researches allowed to quantitatively estimate the degree of depletion of aquifer complexes and to give recommendations on replenishment of their reserves and rational water withdrawal regime.

Мольский Е.В., Коносавский П.К., Синдаловский Л.Н., Румынин В.Г. Гидрогеологические исследования по оценке водных ресурсов провинции Альмерия (Испания) // Записки Горного института. 2003. Т. 153. С. 190-191.
Molskii E.V., Konosavskii P.K., Sindalovskii L.N., Rumynin V.G. Hydrogeological studies to assess water resources in the province of Almeria (Spain) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 153. p. 190-191.
Go to volume 153

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