Current state and problems of geotechnical surveys for hydraulic engineering
2003 V. O. Istochnikov, S. V. Kriventsov
Employment opportunities in St. Petersburg for young professionals in the field of engineering geology
2003 M. O. Zueva
Challenges of engineering and geological research of the territory of Irkutsk
2003 I. I. Verkhozin, A. V. Samusenko, S. P. Nikiforov
The role of technogenesis in the development of geological processes in the cities of the Far East
2003 T. I. Podgornaya
Modern computer technology in geotechnical engineering surveys for hydraulic structures
2003 V. V. Ilin, Yu. S. Shevlyagin, A. I. Yudkevich
Role of the Mining Institute and the Geological Committee in the organization and formation of the State Geological Service of Russia: A History in Persons
2003 A. Kh. Kagarmanov