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Vol 153
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On the condition of the earth dam of the Istra hydroelectric complex

S. N. Krasev1
I. A. Stepanenko2
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  • 1 — Hydroproject
  • 2 — Hydroproject
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The earth dam of the Istra hydroelectric complex is dry-drained of sandy soils. Its water level is 20 m below the crest. Soils in the body of the dam are in overconsolidated state. Sounding was conducted only to the depth of 1,5-2,0 m. Overconsolidated sands correspond to weakly cemented sandstones, in which it is impossible to introduce static and dynamic probes.

Красев С.Н., Степаненко И.А. О состоянии земляной плотины Истринского гидроузла // Записки Горного института. 2003. Т. 153. С. 82-83.
Krasev S.N., Stepanenko I.A. On the condition of the earth dam of the Istra hydroelectric complex // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 153. p. 82-83.
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