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Vol 155 No 1
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Research article
Mining electromechanics

Estimation of energy flow losses in the gearing

E. A. Kremcheev
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  • Postgraduate student G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute
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Rotary-impact drill heads with a mechanical rotator transmission are widespread in mines and mines. A typical representative of this class of machines are BGA type units. The revealed data about breakdowns of BHA drill head show that actual lifetime of transmission elements is 60-100 hours, while the regulated lifetime is 360-1440 hours. To estimate the service life of parts and to find the weakest elements of the transmission, the energy method was chosen. When using this approach, it was necessary to consider the influence of inaccuracies in the location of transmission components on their service life. The positioning inaccuracies cause a shift in the meshing of the ring gear, and the load distribution along the width has a variable character, which leads to the reduction of the transmission life due to the occurrence of stresses in some parts of the ring gear, which exceed the allowable stresses. Thus, there was a need to take into account the non-uniformity of energy resource consumption depending on the actual contact width, nature and size of the external load. In order to solve this problem, a laboratory bench for testing the gears was created at the department. Experimental studies carried out on the stand showed that when the contact width changes by more than three times, the losses in the meshing differ little. Obviously, there is a change in the energy balance. The energy flow losses absorbed by the part and going directly to the destruction of the crystal lattice of the material increase, which leads to a more intensive expenditure of the energy resource of the gearing.

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