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Vol 155 No 1
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Determination of parameters of dynamic phenomena to calculate seismic resistance of underground structures

O. V. Kolosova
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  • Postgraduate student G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute
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The parameters of dynamical phenomena influencing the seismic resistance of underground structures are determined. It is shown that the main input data for determination of the vibration velocity in the massif are the maximum energy of the expected dynamic phenomenon and the distance from the excavation contour to its source. The distance from the excavation contour to the center of disturbance depends on the excavation location relatively to the zone of high seismic activity. In the zones which are really dangerous according to dynamic manifestations of rock pressure, the distance to the center of fault zone is taken with consideration of the sizes of zone of unconsolidated rocks with lowered stresses and the sizes of increased stress zone (support pressure) around the excavation. The laws of distribution of dynamic stresses around the excavation were established depending on the distance to the center of the underground drift and the energy of the rock shock. By means of the computer program TABLE CURVE 2D the hyperbolic dependence is revealed which is used for the calculation of the dynamic stresses when estimating the stability of mine workings and choosing parameters of earthquake-proof roofing for capital and preparatory mine workings of mines of the Severouralsk bauxite basin.

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  1. Ямщиков В.С. Волновые процессы в массиве горных пород. М.: Недра, 1984. 271 с.
  2. Кутузов Б.Н. Взрывное и механическое разрушение горных пород. М.: Недра, 1973. 311 с.

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