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Vol 155 No 1
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Improvement of technological schemes for mining of powerful steep and steep-sloped seams with sub-stage hydraulic extraction

A. A. Sidorenko1
E. V. Glushenkov2
About authors
  • 1 — Postgraduate student G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute
  • 2 — Research assistant G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute
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The structure of mineral resource losses during mining of thick steep-sloped and steep seams with the use of the system of under-stage hydraulic extraction in the conditions of OAO Prokopyevskugol was determined. The influence of the main mining-geological and mining-technical factors on losses of minerals was studied. The factors that have the greatest influence on the mineral extraction coefficient were determined. It is concluded that, when determining the height of the subfloor, it is necessary to consider the width of the squeeze zone formed at the border with the mined-out space. The method of determining the parameters of the squeezing zone in the area of the influence of the mining operations is developed. The principles of designing the technological schemes of the mine workings are formulated. Recommendations on the rational arrangement of sub-stage drifts in different mining and geological conditions were developed. The economic effect from the implementation of the developed recommendations was calculated.

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  2. ЗубовВ.П. Геомеханическое обоснование параметров системы разработки мощного крутого пласта при подэтажной гидроотбойке / В.П.Зубов, А.А.Сидоренко, Е.В.Глушенков. Санкт-Петербургский горный ин-т. СПб, 2002.
  3. Широков К.А. Методические рекомендации по обоснованию параметров управления труднообрушаемой кровлей при щитовой системе разработки в условиях шахт Кузбасса / Прокопьевскуголь. Прокопьевск, 1981.

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