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Vol 155 No 1
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Improving the methodology of diagnosing the bankruptcy of fuel and energy companies

M. N. Vakhnina
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  • Student G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute
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In an unstable economy the identification of the threat of bankruptcy of enterprises becomes essential. The criterial approach, which has been approved in Russia at present, to assess the unsatisfactory structure of an enterprise's balance sheet, however, is not without its shortcomings. In the absence of one universal methodology for predicting bankruptcy there is a need to choose and adjust the methodology according to the specific industry in which the organization operates. For companies in the fuel and energy sector the assessment of the probability of bankruptcy can be based on such indicators as the financial stability ratio, current (total) liquidity, the bankruptcy prediction ratio, E. Altman's creditworthiness index. The latter should be calculated according to the formula adapted to Russian conditions. Besides, in order to make the task easier, it is suggested to refer the enterprise to one of classes of credit solvency. The application of a comprehensive methodology will increase the reliability of the results obtained.

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  2. Стрекалов О.Б. Кризисы в организации и управление проектами: Учеб. пособие / О.Б.Стрекалов, Э.Р.Зарипов. Казан, технол. ун-т, Казань, 1997. 160 с.
  3. Финансы предприятий нефтегазовой промышленности / В.Д.Зубарева, Л.Г.Злотникова, Н.П.Епифанова, Ф.Р.Матвеев, В.В.Иваник, А.В.Иванов, Н.И.Олещук, Л.Н.Отвагина, А.С.Саркисов, А.Н.Семеняка, А.Н.Хрычев. М.: ГТА-Сервис, 2000. 368 с.

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