Experience in expert evaluation of facing granite
About authors
- Assistant Professor G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute
Under the term ornamentality is meant a set of external properties of the rock, including its coloring and pattern. According to methodical instructions the "Scale of evaluation of decorative effect of facing granite" was made. According to this scale 10 experts-geologists estimated 20 polished samples of granite, each of which was classified as one of four classes of decorative effect. During the survey it was found that many of the parameters for assessing the decorativeness require refinement for a more unambiguous definition.
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- Булах А.Г. Каменное убранство Петербурга. СПб: Изд-во СПбГУ, 1999.
- Зискиид М.С. Декоративно-облицовочные камни. Л.: Недра, 1989.
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