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Vol 155 No 1
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Research article

Challenges of predicting the methane content of the Vorkuta and Donbass analogous fields

V. N. Novikova
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  • Postgraduate student G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute
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The Vorkutskoye field of the Pechora coal basin has been studied in great detail, except for the problems of methane content. The choice of the field-analogues within the limits of Donbass is limited by the following conditions: coals of stage Ж; collectors - sandstones, tops - argillites. These conditions satisfy Krasnodon and Kamensko-Gundarevsky areas of Donbass. We study the forms of methane: free, sorbed and methane in a metastable state. Are allocated micro deposits in the unloaded massif, in local curves and anticlinal folds of the strata; structural-lithological in the rocks of the coal-bearing strata and zone of cleavage of the Moshcholnaya formation; in the unloaded (exhausted) space. Geological and exploratory methods have low reliability, as a parallel and controlling method of analogy is proposed.

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  2. Малышев Ю.Н. Фундаментально-прикладные методы решения проблемы метана угольных пластов / Ю.Н.Малышев, К.Н.Трубецкой, А.Т.Айруни / Академия горных наук. М., 2000.

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