Possibilities of using natural waters of different chemical types to maintain reservoir pressure in Siberian platform conditions (on the example of the Yurubchenskoye field)
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- Tomsk Polytechnic University
The hydrogeochemical features of the structure of the Yurubcheno-Tokhomsky license area are considered. The results of numerical physical and chemical modeling of the behavior of different chemical types of water during injection into productive formations are shown. Recommendations on the use of natural waters of different chemical types for reservoir pressure maintenance in the conditions of the Siberian platform on the example of the Yurubchenskoye field are formulated.
- Букаты М.Б. Разработка программного обеспечения для решения гидрогеологических задач // Изв. Томского политехн. ун-та. 2002. Т.305. Вып.б. С.348-365.