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Vol 166
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Use of catalytic processes for gasification of organic materials

A. E. Afanasev1
O. S. Misnikov2
E. M. Sulman3
V. V. Alferov4
About authors
  • 1 — Tver State Technical University
  • 2 — Tver State Technical University
  • 3 — Tver State Technical University
  • 4 — Tver State Technical University
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The paper presents the results of studies of catalytic gasification (pyrolysis) of peat and peat-mineral compounds. The increase in the heat of combustion of gas with increasing concentration of hydrocarbons has been experimentally proved. The use of aluminosilicate-mineral materials under or near peat deposits as catalytic systems has been substantiated.

Афанасьев А.Е., Мисников О.С., Сульман Э.М., Алферов В.В. Использование каталитических процессов для газификации органических материалов // Записки Горного института. 2005. Т. 166. С. 205-209.
Afanasev A.E., Misnikov O.S., Sulman E.M., Alferov V.V. Use of catalytic processes for gasification of organic materials // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 205-209.
Go to volume 166

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