Research of geometrical and strength parameters of water-insulating cofferdams for protection from water inflows from liquidated mines
- Shakhty Institute of South Russian State Technical University (Novocherkassk Polytechnic Institute)
Computer modeling of various designs of water-insulating cofferdams intended for protection against water inflow from mine workings of liquidated mines is considered. On finite-element models the stress-strain state of flat cofferdams is investigated, isopoles of equivalent compressive and equivalent tensile stresses in the cofferdam and the surrounding rock mass are constructed. The most dangerous sections were determined and the equivalent stresses were plotted. The areas of application and the necessary geometric and strength parameters of flat lintels are established. To increase the bearing capacity and reduce the cost of installation of lintels, it is proposed to use curved lintels, which allow to significantly reduce tensile stresses and thereby increase reliability and expand the area of application of lintels. The rational parameters and application area of curvilinear lintels have been established.
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- Суптелин М.В. Технологии и параметры водоизоляции горных выработок ликвидируемых шахт // Изв. вузов. Сев.-Кавк. регион. Техн. науки. Приложение № 4. 2003. С.130-136.