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Vol 167 No 2
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Research article
Mining electromechanics

Justification of the layout scheme and parameters of the unit for the development of bottom fields of the Baltic Sea

D. V. Smirnov
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  • G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
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At present Russia is experiencing a significant deficit of manganese ores. The deposits of ferromanganese nodules of the Baltic Sea can be used as a source of manganese. Several equipment designs have been created for the development of resources on the seabed, but all of them have a number of drawbacks. An innovative plant with intermediate drives for the development of the Baltic Sea bottom sediments has been developed taking into account these disadvantages.

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  1. Добрецов В.Б. Основные вопросы освоения минеральных ресурсов мирового океана / В.Б.Добрецов, В.А.Рогалев; МАНЭБ. СПб, 2003.
  2. Лобанов В.А. Справочник по технике освоения шельфа. Л.: Судостроение, 1983.
  3. Тимофеев И.П. Шагающие машины для освоения ресурсов морского дна / ЛГИ. Л., 1987.

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