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Vol 167 No 2
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Research article
Mining electromechanics

Asynchronous electromechanical converter of reciprocating-rotational motion

Yu. D. Orekhov
About authors
  • G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
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The article considers a promising method of drilling and well cleaning with the use of a dynamically counterbalanced drilling rig on a supporting cable, characterized by increased operational parameters and simplicity of construction. It is possible to use this drilling rig for a wide range of works. A progressive step in this area can be the creation of a drilling unit with a drive from an asynchronous squirrel cage motor. At the Department of Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics research of dynamically counterbalanced drilling unit is carried out, a mathematical model is developed and an experimental unit is created to study the mode of operation of the drilling unit.

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