Research of hydro-impact actuators of tunneling complex for Metrostroy of St. Petersburg
About authors
- G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
A tunneling complex for St. Petersburg Metrostroy with the use of a manipulator with a water hammer as an actuator is considered. It is proposed to use a dual impact system in the design of the water hammer for effective rock destruction. Works on research of twin impact systems at interaction with rocks of different properties are carried out. An experimental improved stand for the study of impact systems in interaction with rocks has been created.
- Подэрни Р.Ю. Методика определения главных параметров гидроударника / Р.Ю.Подэрни, М.Р.Хромой, В.Ф.Сандалов // Горные машины и автоматика. 2003. № 12. С.41-44.
- Ушаков Л.С. Гидравлические машины ударного действия / Л.С.Ушаков, Ю.Е.Котылев, В.А.Кравченко. М: Машиностроение, 2000. 416 с.
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