Geoecological assessment of the territory of Tomsk-Severskaya industrial agglomeration based on the results of dust-aerosol fallout study
- Tomsk Polytechnic University
The results of the study of dust-aerosol deposition in snow cover are presented. The mineral composition, radiogeochemical and geochemical characteristics of solid snow precipitation were studied. The studies were carried out by biological testing on Drosophilamelanogaster using modern analytical methods (atomic emission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma; intra-instrumental neutron activation method; atom-absorption analysis), as well as electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction analysis, cathodic pulse luminescence and f-radiography. A comprehensive geo-ecological-geographical assessment of the territory of Tomsk-Severskaya industrial agglomeration is presented. Nuclear fuel industry enterprises are located on this territory.
- Минеральный состав пылеаэрозольных выпадений снегового покрова Томской агропромышленной агломерации / Е.Г.Язиков, Р.В.Голева, Л.П.Рихванов и др. // Записки ВМО. 2004. № 5. С.69-78.