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Vol 167 No 2
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Research article
Mining. Ecology

To the technique of estimation of activated disturbances at explosive crushing of rocks

I. S. Osipov
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  • Ural State Mining University
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The work is related to the solution of the problem of predetermined change of properties and states of rocks by surfactants in relation to improving the quality of rock crushing by explosive method. The regularities of the origin and development of cracks in rocks loaded in the surfactant medium are analyzed, the obtained parameters of crack propagation allow estimating the probability of destruction of the rock massif. The questions of determination of perturbations in the medium activated by blasting are considered.

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  2. Методы планирования и обработки результатов физического эксперимента / Л.С.Зажигаев, А.А.Кишьян, Ю.И.Романиков. М.: Атомиздат, 1978. 232 с.
  3. Эффект Ребиндера / Ю.В.Горюнов, Н.В.Перцов, Е.Д.Щукин. М.: Наука, 1966. 178 с.

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