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Vol 167 No 2
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Research article

Influence of engineering-geological conditions on formation of level of reaction and spectral composition of ground vibrations at strong earthquakes

N. A. Gromova
About authors
  • North Caucasus Mining and Metallurgical Institute (State Technological University)
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As a result of detailed seismic zoning on the basis of analysis of various databases with the help of the American program Seisrick-3 a set of probability maps for the territory of Vladikavkaz was made. The map with a probability of 2% comes closest to the accepted level of seismic hazard for average ground conditions. The southern part of the city is located in the zone with intensity of 8 points, and the northern part -7 points. The obtained data allow us to construct maps of seismic microzonation of the city territory. In the 8-point part of the city it is possible to obtain zones with 7 and 9-point intensity, and in the 7-point zone - zones with 6 and 8-point intensity. These maps are a direct basis for earthquake-resistant construction, and their use will allow to assess the seismic risk of the building and to form the directions of corresponding preventive measures.

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  1. Рейснер Г.И. Сейсмический потенциал Западной России, других стран СНГ и Балтии / Г.И.Рейснер, Л.И.Иогансон // Сейсмичность и сейсмическое районирование Северной Евразии / ОИФЗ РАН. М., 1993. С.186-195.
  2. Заалишвили В.Б. Физические основы сейсмического микрорайонирования / ОИФЗ РАН. М., 2000. 367 с.

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