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Vol 170 No 1
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Research article

Geochemical peculiarities of noble-metal mineralization of the Klimovskaya area (the White Sea zone of Northern Karelia)

O. A. Savicheva
About authors
  • Postgraduate student G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
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This paper considers peculiarities in element composition of geological objects of the Klimovskaya area, which is a part of the larger Chupa-Louhi area within the White Sea mobile belt of Northern Karelia. It has been revealed that the following four main geochemical types of ore mineralization are characteristic of this area: Pt, Pd; Au, Bi, Ag; Cu, Ni, Co; Pb, Zn, Cd. Presence of two perspective types of noble metal mineralization has been confirmed, which are sulfide bearing metasomatic rocks replacing amphibolites, having essentially palladium with minor platinum mineralization, and quartz enriched zones with gold-bismuth-silver mineralization. Secondary halos have been detected in loose deposits of the local Keretsky area which makes it possible to forecast zones of Pt-Pd and Au-Bi-Ag mineralization in bedrocks.

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