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Vol 170 No 2
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Research article

The directions of development as a chance for small family farms

Małgorzata Mielczarek
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  • Agricultural Academy in Wrocław
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The survey was conducted in 2004 in Radków district among family farmers. The results show that there is no single direction in the development of agriculture. There are family farms with organic, integrated and traditional production methods, which coexist with each other. Agricultural activities account for 1/3 of the degradation of the natural environment in the region. The authorities are required to support pro-environmental activities and link the future of the region to the development of agro-tourism and organic food production.

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  4. Uglis J.: Zrównoważony rozwój gospodarstw rolnych w rejonie Kotliny Kłodzkiej. Mat. Komf. II Międzynarodowego Seminarium Naukowego Studentów i Młodych Pracowników Nauki. Jarosław 2000. S.307-317.

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