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Vol 171
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Resolution of the Fifth International Scientific Conference "Physical Problems of Rock Fracturing"

Members of the fifth international scientific conference
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In accordance with the resolution of the Bureau of the OGGGGN RAS (now Department of Earth Sciences RAS) from 07.04.1999 № 13100/10-38 the Institute of Problems of Integrated Subsoil Development RAS and St. Petersburg State Mining Institute in St. Petersburg on the basis of the St. Petersburg Mining Institute from September 25 to 29, 2006. the Fifth International Scientific Conference "Physical Problems of Rock Fracture" was held with the assistance of the Department of Geology, Geophysics, Geochemistry and Mining Sciences of the RAS, Rostechnadzor of Russia, Institute of Dynamics of Geospheres of the RAS, Moscow State Mining University, NPK "Mekhanobr-Technika", Russian Foundation for Basic Research, National Organization of Explosive Engineers, ZAO Nitro-Siberia, ZAO Vzryvistytaniya and OOO NTF Vzvryvtekhnologiya.

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