Analysis of influence of factors of the mineral raw materials market on the productivity of quarries
About authors
- 1 — G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
- 2 — G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
- 3 — G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
This paper first of all examines the notion of an equilibrium price for a mineral cоmmodity market. It draws the conclusion that microeconomic theory alone cannot define such a price. It then recapitulates on the reasons for price fluctuations and shows that one can at least identify a floor price and a ceiling price when it proves impossible to identify an equilibrium price. To conclude, it proposes a method for price forecasting, based on a prior analysis of the relevant industrial structure involved.
- Фомин С.И. Производительность карьеров и спрос на минеральное сырье. СПб: Тема, 1999. 169 с.
- Фомин С.И. Прогнозирование цен на минеральное сырье при технико-экономической оценке целесообразности открытой разработки месторождений / С.И.Фомин, Г.А.Холодняков // Горный журнал. 1998. № 10.
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