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Vol 173
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State measures on support of Russian coal export

O. Yu. Filatova
About authors
  • Postgraduate student G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
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The paper justifies the necessity to develop and introduce public protective measures regarding domestic coal-mining companies that export considerable part of their production. Introduction of flexible railway transport tariffs is offered as one of the export protective measures. Possible ways of tariff changes are their proportional increase or decrease depending on changes in the coal selling prices as well as tariff binding to the average export sales profitability level of the company for a chosen period of time.

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  1. Рынок энергетических углей России (современное состояние и тенденции развития). М.: Росинформуголь, 2005. 54 с.
  2. Высококалорийные перевозки // Гудок, 2006, 1 сентября.
  3. По данным годовых и квартальных отчетов ОАО СУЭК, размещенных на сайте компании URL:

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