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Vol 173
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Analysis of modern state of fuel and energy complex of Russia

Ya. V. Voronina1
L. I. Iseeva2
About authors
  • 1 — Research assistant G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
  • 2 — Associate professor G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
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The fuel and energy complex has always been in the forefront of the national economy of the Russian Federation. And its problems are especially critical in current conditions when the concept to transform Russia into "an energy superpower" has been announced. It is not a secret, that the condition of the Russian fuel and energy complex is rather grave. Russia concludes more and more contracts for export deliveries in Western European countries and this particularly concerns oil and gas. Domestic consumption is also growing and there exists certain deficiency of some kinds of fuel and energy raw materials. Also there is a problem that incremental reserves of these raw materials fails to cover the growing volumes of their extraction. All of this occurs in the background of outdated technical facilities characterized by a very high degree of the physical asset deterioration. To tackle this situation it is required to develop nonconventional sources of energy, wide introduction of innovations and first of all large scale investment.

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