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Vol 173
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Electromechanical column drilling shell on a load-carrying cable for cleaning of bottom-hole zones of oil wells

S. S. Staroded
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  • Postgraduate student G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
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The paper studies a dynamically-balanced electromechanical core drilling tool on a carrying cable, its purpose and the area of its application, construction and design diagrams, a mathematical model and a block scheme of the closed system with positive feedback.

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  3. Тимошенко С.П. Колебания в инженерном деле: Пер. с англ. / С.П.Тимошенко, У.Уивер, Д.Х.Янг / Под. ред. Э.И.Григолюка. М: Машиностроение, 1985.

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