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Vol 174
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Justification of steam-thermal horizontal well location in bitumen reservoir on the basis of complex generalization of geological-geophysical, field and laboratory data on the example of Mordovo-Karmalskoye field

D. A. Dautov
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  • Almetyevsk State Oil Institute
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The laboratory researches’ results of Mordovo-Karmalskoye oil-field’s bitumens’ optical properties, collectors’ heat conductivity’s data, statistical processing results of laboratory and factory are analyzed. The influence of conditions of thermal affects and heat conductivity of collectors on the optical properties of extracted bitumens are investigated. Correlation interrelations of bitumens’ optical properties with temperature conditions of their development, thermal and capacitance-fluid properties of collectors and typification of bitumens on optical properties are revealed. Recommendations on thermal affect’s perfection are given.

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  1. Девликамов В.В. Оптические методы контроля за разработкой нефтяных месторождений / В.В.Девликамов, И.Л.Мархасин, Г.А.Бабалян. М.: Недра, 1970. 160с.
  2. Антониади Д.Г. Настольная книга по термическим методам добычи нефти / Д.Г.Антониади, А.Р.Гарушев, В.Г.Ишханов. Краснодар: Советская Кубань, 2000. 464с.

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