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Vol 174
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Research article

Causes of oil deposits zonality formation in carbonate reservoirs on the example of oil deposits in the south-east of the Republic of Tatarstan

A. N. Kolchugin
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  • Kazan State University
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Zonal structure of oil deposits in carbonate collectors is caused by the several reasons. The main ones are mineralogical and lithological heterogeneity of sedimentary rocks and physical and chemical evolution of deep streams in time. Good ability of carbonates to be exposed to transformations by secondary processes has allowed establishing general regularities in the sequence of the deposit formation.

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  3. Холодов В.Н. Постседиментационные преобразования в элизионных бассейнах (на примере Восточного Предкавказья) // Тр. ГИН АН СССР. Вып.372. 1983.

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